• DessertStorms@kbin.social
    5 months ago

    Great, the next round of distraction theatre is here sooner than expected, and no one is even questioning what this is serving as cover for… 🎉🙄

    Either way, it achieves its goal - get/keep the public riled up in its division and focused entirely on the next round of blue v red, while those who control both (and who exist outside of the party system, and therefore completely outside of voter control, by design of course) continue to relentlessly fuck us over.

    Labour have been declaring loud and clear who they are and what they stand for (lmfao, as if spineless Starmer can even “stand” for anything), anyone who still believes they offer an alternative at this point is as gullible as a tory voter.

    I will continue to vote none as long as I am forced to pick between one evil and another, there is no “lesser” when they both play for the same team (and it isn’t team working class).

    You have a choice, to see this for what it is and not participate in their divisive charade. Be brave enough to see solutions outside of the narrow system those in power have created for you to feel like you are participating in the decision making (like the pretend wheel you might give a toddler to play with in their car seat so they feel like they’re driving), and instead start making decision for yourself, that will actually impact your life and the lives of those around you - start consciously unlearning the lies you’ve been indoctrinated with all your life (like that parliament has or ever will serve the people and not for those who own the land and hoard the money), spread this information to others, and start organising alternatives to the bullshit we’re expected to keep putting up with (namely the continued extraction of resources from the people upwards, or “reverse trickle down” which is how the system was designed to work, and the aforementioned division of the people in to blue v red instead of haves v have-nots. E: and that isn’t just a money thing, it’s a privilege thing, too) because it’s the easiest way to keep us from revolting.

    Fucking revolt.

    • david@feddit.uk
      5 months ago

      Or just vote. It’s easier, less risky and more likely to make a real difference in the country if we succeed in changing the government.

      If you protest in any way that’s even slightly inconvenient, you’ll just go to prison, having been disallowed from even explaining why you were protesting and then be forgotten to everyone except your family.

      The Conservatives have made it very very easy to lock you up and silence you in the process. So step 1 is to change the government to someone who is less likely to outlaw holding a sign in a street.