Here :

I just realized that Caitlin Johnstone also retweeted this. If you haven’t read this post from her, then i think you should. Israel’s trying to pass as the victim when every metric points to them as the tormentor, who clearly doesn’t need to be so cruel, and (the current government/population )doesn’t even seek/‘believe in’ a two-states solution, they’re overthrowing&killing everything in the name of their survival(, and lying, so many lies, if this isn’t the proof that they’re ashamed of the truth…).
I’m sure that they can’t really believe that they’re “fighting Hamas”, and certainly should consider Hamas’ revendications as legitimate since palestinians are right to ask for more than what they’re currently getting, i’m certain that palestinians could end up agreeing with Israel’s existence as their goodwill was proven more than once since the Oslo accords(, and before). Antisemites could embrace the challenge of converting anti-muslims living in Israel, cohabitation is clearly possible. I think Israel prefers to kill&overthrow everyone because they’re afraid that even the atomic bomb won’t protect them, that making peace will only give time for their enemies to gather their forces. Which is why they should support a world peace(, world army, supranational institutions, …), as well as making sure that they’re forgiven for stealing the Holy lands, and doing what they can to be integrated with their neighbours, etc. Peace isn’t impossible, yet they&we(sterners) have chosen the continuation of the archaic war that never made anyone safe :

(edit : sure, it’s good and all to forgive this(, and even to accept that ?), but killing innocent israelis indiscriminately isn’t less awful than killing clearly innocent palestinians, i’ll trust the lex talionis to say that they’re not terrorists but victims/resistants, and that this collective “punishment” is yet another stain on the name of Israel, and, more importantly, there’s this unilateral loss of a two-states solution, while waiting for a day when borders wouldn’t mean much anyway, a common state with jews, muslims, christians and whatnot, something perpetually better than yesterday is the goal i guess. Ukraine/‘Anti-russians ukrainians’ should give up on their pro-western stance because it obviously endanger n.a.t.o.'s ("strategic"🙄 )enemies(, or Russia should give up on its non-western partners), it’s easier to do than giving up on a multi-millenial religion(, not that ‘muslims gave’/‘converting to islam would mean giving’ up the jewish religion, even traditions could be kept by forming a new sect, oh well…)
(And she’s decidedly very good

    4 months ago

    This genocide has really made it clear just how savage warfare has gotten since WW2. In 8 months you can murder 100,000 people all the while denying that you’re doing so.