• zephyreks@lemmy.ml
    4 months ago

    Everyone has the appetite for the secrets of everyone.

    Surprisingly, China publishes a lot of it. Like, a lot a lot. As in, pretty much all the work done at CAS and similar institutions is published, which is the equivalent to US national labs or Lincoln Lab or what have you.

    At the same time, Huawei itself publishes an obscene amount of work and is incredibly proactive in academic research - they open-source code, fund top-tier conferences, and publish basically every result they get. It’s actually stupid how much money they dump on conferences.

    Now, you might ask yourself, what secrets does the West have? Well, China already leads in 80% of critical technology fields, so unless you’re working in integrated circuit design/fabrication, quantum computing, high performance computing, natural language processing, vaccines, small satellites, or space launch systems… You probably don’t have much to hide. Plus, if you’re working in a field where secrets are important, you already likely have security clearance.

    As a Canadian I’m pissed off about Nortel too, but a bunch of Canadian companies got fucked by the dotcom crash and the 08 crisis and Nortel was unfortunately one of them. I’m more pissed off about Bombardier, which is an issue I’m actually affected by. Fuck the hyenas at the DOJ that killed Bombardier and the CSeries to protect their golden goose. How’s 737 Max sales going, Boeing? Getting outcompeted by the A220 that Bombardier was forced to sell to AirBus for $1? Yeah…

    Plus, Nortel outsourced their entire manufacturing and product design teams to Huawei in the 90s, so I don’t have too much sympathy for Nortel.

    The big powers bully us because we have no choice. That’s the repercussions of Trudeau’s foreign policy.