“The US Commerce Department has played booster and concierge to the firearm industry, even as America’s mass shootings horrify the world and gun-crime rates rise in many of the importing countries.”
Original article is a Bloomberg piece available at - https://www.bloomberg.com/graphics/2023-us-made-gun-exports-shootings-violence-sig-sauer/
Yeah, it’s just straight up propaganda, incredibly obvious propaganda at that.
Reading comprehension issues abound.
Bloomberg is propaganda now? I guess your only approved media outlets are true American media sources like VoA. Bloomberg doesn’t even make money on its journalism arm, it literally exists to provide data for Bloomberg Terminal subscribes (who trade on that information).
Lol Bloomberg… billionaire Bloomberg…yes it’s propaganda for anti-2a groups… Bloomberg being one of the biggest ones. You’re naive if you think it’s not.
Better tell Bloomberg Terminal subscribers to not trust their news sources, then.
Bloomberg isn’t a news company, they’re a trading software company.