The porn will never even go away. Pornhub might be popular but it’s a fraction of a fraction of a fraction of the porn out there.
If you removed the porn from the internet, the very next day a hundred million people will all create their own new internet and finally have a noble purpose for their saved stashes.
If you remove the porn from the internet, there will be one site left, and it will be called Bring Back The Porn.
Shit shit shit, this one’s really rolling around. Dr cox? It feels Monty Python, but I’m hearing it in John C McGinley’s over affected JD drawl.
It is Dr Cox
It is Dr Cox.
The porn will never even go away. Pornhub might be popular but it’s a fraction of a fraction of a fraction of the porn out there.
If you removed the porn from the internet, the very next day a hundred million people will all create their own new internet and finally have a noble purpose for their saved stashes.