Hello dear Friendica Support, Friendica Developers and Friendica Admins,
since yesterday the federated pages of my instance are infinitely slow (/community, /network).
I looked at everything in detail and tried everything possible and impossible.
I have reconfigured the database, moved the profile pictures from the database to the file system, reconfigured PHP, etc. All this did not bring any improvement.
None of this brought any improvement.
There are no abnormalities in the PHP, Apache and Mysql log files.
The slow build-up only occurs on the federated pages, i.e. where there is really a lot going on.
There, one PHP process (of many) always hangs on about 90% CPU (per user) until the page is displayed, which can take up to 2 minutes.
The load average is around 3-5%.
Does anyone have similar experiences, or is my hoster simply failing?

Any help would be appreciated 😀