My physical proximity friend group is delightful. It’s the only friend group I’m in where we don’t basically all have the same views and opinions, political, religious, etc. I love my family friend group and my found family, but I just played in the ocean last night with friends from highschool (some back to elementary school) and all their wives and it was a blast. We graduated more than a decade ago.
Cool. I shared class with people who had AOL screen names like bombmexico, who impersonated cops, and who considered church a good first date. I’m pretty ok with not having people who disagree on topics of racism, fascism, homophobia, transphobia , etc, in my social circle.
It’s the “nobody invites me to parties” guy who also never went out of their way to create a party or social event, or did it one time and it sucked and then blames society.
Best line 🤣 Maybe you should contact them.
Nah, don’t make friends based on physical proximity from years ago.
My physical proximity friend group is delightful. It’s the only friend group I’m in where we don’t basically all have the same views and opinions, political, religious, etc. I love my family friend group and my found family, but I just played in the ocean last night with friends from highschool (some back to elementary school) and all their wives and it was a blast. We graduated more than a decade ago.
Cool. I shared class with people who had AOL screen names like bombmexico, who impersonated cops, and who considered church a good first date. I’m pretty ok with not having people who disagree on topics of racism, fascism, homophobia, transphobia , etc, in my social circle.
Like they’re not all sitting thinking the same thing.
It’s the “nobody invites me to parties” guy who also never went out of their way to create a party or social event, or did it one time and it sucked and then blames society.