My best friend broke both of his arms and wrists, and will have zero use for 3-4 months. I’m trying to figure out some way for him to play videogames while recovering. Maybe some kind of foot controller? A mouth controller?

He’s feeling miserable from the pain and I know that gaming would take his mind off of it.

Please let me know if you have any ideas.

    3 months ago

    VoiceAttack can be used to freely create arbitrary voice commands with pretty good recognition accuracy. It can send KB&M or gamepad inputs and run scripts and various other features. I used to use it to supplement controls for Elite: Dangerous and it worked pretty well. I imagine it’d get tiresome for complex games but could be good for simpler games, and for other computer tasks.

    There are tons of potential accessibility devices like specialized buttons and breath control etc, but they’re usually expensive medical devices or custom builds. The other commenters have already mentioned the consumer products I’m aware of.