12022081631 [he/him]

12022081631 has ended his posting day

To leave feedback (constructive), CLICK HERE, knowing this is both the only option I give also specifically considered insecure by the creators of Lemmy (rude of them to opine on my emotional disposition)

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Joined 2 months ago
Cake day: July 12th, 2024


  • this game is so killer. i played it for the first time a couple years back and got probably 3/4 thru

    the voice acting is probably the best i’ve heard in any video game. every voice is either pitched up super high or (sometimes) pitched up super low. characters will say a million lines at you all at once because you stepped too close. when you come into town you can start messing with the locals and everyone loses their crap and starts shouting at you in their ridiculous cartoon accents with super pitched up voices.

    that terrible game made by the pickle rick guy aped off of the core conceit of this game, which is that ammo is all live creatures you collect. they growl and stuff when you load them into the crossbow. probably sounds weird and cruel but trust me its a good time + not unsettling at all