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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 29th, 2023


  • I doubt it’s about that. Putin wants a friendly administration in the White House that would reduce/eliminate sanctions, stop supporting Ukraine, and look the other way when Russia grabs more land.

    Gaza is one of the areas where Biden is the weakest, and Putin is surely doing everything in his power to make Gaza an issue that loses Biden votes.

  • This argument completely ignores the impact this has on regular people. People who end up late to pick up their kids from daycare and end up owing extra money when they can barely make ends meet as it is. Yeah, this may have some marginal impact on the capitalist class, but it will be far more painful for the employees who WILL be held accountable for being late to work and may easily end up fired, and certainly will not be paid for the time they miss. Let alone the life safety issues this type of demonstration creates. This is holding your peers ransom because of something you want and you take away their autonomy to decide whether or not to take part. If you can’t convince people to join your cause willingly, maybe your cause isn’t as good as you think it is.