Not all of them. Many were suppressed votes.
Not all of them. Many were suppressed votes.
While I agree that would be ideal, I suspect a lot of the services that let them process that food out to who needs it are unavailable.
The federal workers that I know are doing everything they can to get everything that’s been spoken for out to the recipients ASAP. If food is rotting, I suspect it’s because it can’t be moved.
Congress is supposed to decide what’s a crime. They’ve been… less than receptive to what the people need of late. This disconnect between what society considers just and what the law states is clearly demonstrated by the lack of public condemnation for Luigi - the only people you hear being upset about it are the ones who are paid to be.
The moon is just a few light-seconds away from earth; that’s why they could have conversations with ground control during the moon landings. Moon will go dark a few seconds after the sun.
And even if you’re not connected at the moment, the moon will go dark.
Carbon footprint - AI burns a lot more power than old fashioned search results.
I get wanting to cost them more, but I don’t think they’ll see this use case as a cost.
I think that’s kind of the point - because this behavior is fairly common, malicious use of it is extremely hard to root out, and can cause a wonderful amount of friction in an organization.
I prefer to think of Chase as what a cop should be. As a strong contrast to the cops the kids will later become familiar with; so they can understand that we could do better.
At least, that’s how I felt before he got all the spy gear…
Sure, but you still want to call it out. Repeatedly.
Next election?
So order it to go!
I’ve heard it in engineering and software both
That pretty much narrows it down to MonthYear!
I’m choosing to read that as someone is screwing with him.
I feel like you can track this some in early TV shows. Way back when, you had shows like I Love Lucy and Leave it to Beaver, featuring loving, largely functional families. Once this became an expected trope, shows like The Honeymooners and The Flintstones subverted that expectation, but became such a hit that they became the formula to emulate - so it became common to joke about marital strife.
Sometimes you’d get a show like The Addams Family, that would again subvert this new expectation; but they didn’t start becoming the norm until much more recently.
How long was it before the budget got reallocated? And how much had this been going on before?
It sounds like a big part of the issue is that they haven’t been able to do mitigation - controlled burns, etc. If the budget has been slashed for a long time, suddenly dumping some cash in later is going to have a limited effect.
Y’know, I’d forgotten that Guinan also did that!
I always figured Worf had an idealized view of Klingon honor, given it was a culture he cherished but wasn’t actually raised in. Dax also calls him out on his atypical behavior - “Klingons do not laugh.” “No, you don’t laugh!”
It’s a meme apparently. NerdyShades has the answer, but if you Google “hear me out cake”, Forbes has an article about it.
We’re all officially old!
Some kids are definitely easier than others too. Both my kids wouldn’t sleep for more than 90 minutes at a time until they were a few years old; and when they were awake they would demand attention; like most kids that age who are awake do.