AcidSmiley [she/her]

  • 1 Post
Joined 3 years ago
Cake day: March 15th, 2021


  • I’m genuinely sorry but i’m NOT gonna sift through a fuckton of accumulated trauma that me and literally 99% of the women, fems and pre-transition AFAB trans people i know have suffered due to men being horny as fuck and lay it out to you in clear terms. I’m not saying this to put you down or berate you, i’m just explaining why i can’t do that thing you’re asking for. It’s just too much both emotionally and effort wise. The constant objectification that anyone who’s read as female goes through doesn’t fit in one neatly condensed post and spelling out exactly what is and isn’t acceptable in this regard in any and all situations is plainly impossible. Let’s just say that going out there as a girl is scary as hell way too often. To put this in perspective, i get at least one “that guy scared the shit out of me” story every day (i just read another one before coming to hexbear). And men tend to be completely oblivious to this because women* are used to them not taking our experiences seriously anyways, so we share this stuff mostly among ourselves. But it’s omnipresent.

  • Eh. As somebody who’s able to compare hornyness pre and post HRT, yes, testosterone has some pretty strong effects down there, but i really struggle with the biologist interpretation that the absolute awfulness of guys suffering from awooga syndrome is a hormonal problem. When you discard any and all belonging to a masculine gender role at a different time than going on HRT, when you date a pre-HRT, but socially and psychologically completely transitioned trans woman for a while, this becomes very obvious. Biodeterminism is a deeply flawed idea that is missing the central point and conflates a hormonal “it’s so much easier to get a boner on this stuff” with a learned “i need to objectify and partition women to find them sexually desirable”. The violence found in our society’s standard male sexual behavior isn’t organic in nature, it is performative, it is behavioral, it is trained and enforced and policed. This is good news, actually, because it means it is not inherent to being a man, or to being on T, it is inherent to a certain way of doing masculinity and of seeing women that we can denormalize and phase out if we [REDACTED]which would be good training to later perform DIY orchi[IN MINECRAFT]ew Tate in a pit full of hungry baboons.

  • AcidSmiley [she/her]@hexbear.nettoMemes@lemmy.mlfixed cyberghost's "meme"
    10 months ago

    It’s funny that somebody who has made his account on here entirely to spread anti-communist propaganda calls other people a fascist. You’re equating the people who built Auschwitz with those who liberated it, you’re effectively a holocaust denier and a nazi. Eat shit and die, you fascist pig with your transparent wrecking attempts.

  • Likewise, i’m feeling kinda icky because my previous opinion towards the term kind of brushed over the trauma queer elders had to endure. Because it originally wasn’t the international term it is now, it was something that gay people abroad probably knew about, but definitely not something your average bigot in a rural central-European village yelled at you when he thought your pants where too fancy to make him feel secure in his fragile masculinity. So i was under the impression that people still alive today just had no direct, hurtful experience with it like with other slurs.

  • I get that for older gay people in English-speaking countries and i appreciate that you shared this. My perspective on this is rather different, as i’m from Germany and completely out-of-date English slurs are obviously not something people here normally have a personal trauma from. On this side of the North Sea, the people who take objection to the term queer are mainly assimilationists who don’t want to be lumped in with anybody who is too flamboyant, loud and gender-nonconforming for their straight friends and business partners, or they’re outright terfs who love to make up stuff about how lesbianism is erased by the queer agenda (ofc most of the time these aren’t even lesbians, and if you see them at a counterprotest to a Dyke* March, odds are they are paid to be there by one of the European fronts for the Heritage Foundation). So i’m not used to needing to pay attention to who i piss off with the term, because my experience is that it reliably pisses off people i want to piss off.

  • queer is not all encompassing

    It’s literally a catchall term for anybody who’s not het, cis, allo or endo.

    pushing bisexuals down the list in favor of pansexuals

    As a bisexual trans woman exclusively dating t4t, let’s NOT start the “bi is actually transphobic, you should call yourself pan” nonsense debate. It always leads to awful bad faith discussions, pushes bi erasure and completely ignores any and all actually transphobic dating behavior, of which there is plenty, none of which is connected to calling yourself bisexual.