• 30 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 20th, 2023


  • From business standpoint, it simply bleeds you potential profits. If tens of percents skimp on two of your OS iterations in a row and keep windows 10 (which most of were “free” upgrades from Win 7 to begin with) then you are losing lot of revenue in a long run. I got the original win 10 upgrade in 2015 (bought win 7 in 2011) , in 2020 build a new PC and still use that licence on it.I possibly see myself using Win 10 well into 2026/2027 when my PC is due for complete replacement. So that is over 15 years period where MS saw no money from me while I still use completely legal version of OS. If there was no TPM requirement, I would probabably already be on Win 11

  • The main problem with gluying stuff to magazine for example was that the result was not that great either and in the end it was not that enticing to do for would be faker. Plus it was obvious it is not you so most people would just laugh it off. But the deepfakes are whole different thing, without proper labeling it can be passed as real you and even if that person does not distribute it, it can be unnerving for some people just to think that someone has their nude photos that look like real thing without their consent and you never know who has those photos. That is why marginalization or ignoring it will be lot more harder than with the old school fakery.

    I for one will laugh it off. Wanna see fake naked picture of me and rub one off? Be my guest, I could care less. I might be even flattered. But then there is whole other group, that takes it somewhat seriously. That is why when most social networks started, private profiles were not a thing. But soon, bunch of people started thinking “ewww, I shared bunch of pictures of me online, and now what if someone rubs one off to my fully clothed pictures, how do I counter that, how can we stop those creeps?” Bam, and we got private profiles. But doing something like that now to stop AI gen seems kind of impossible, since the cat is already out of the bag and there is a good chance that person which has online presence of any kind will have at least one mugshot of them somewhere available. And even if not, there are always yearbooks. Or something.

  • Personalities of models. Lol, that is some niche market my dude. Never watched a porn a said to myself “wow, I really like her personality”. It’s just smut to beat my meat to, nothing more, nothing less.

    In the dystopian future I propose, you can make any kind of porn and have anyone star in it. Your hot neighbor? Gotcha! The pornstar you masturbated to 20 years ago when she was young in her glory days and now is old and saggy after 5 kids? Gotcha! Rapsutin?..errr…gotcha!

    You can even dream perfect personality for that pornstar if that is your thing. There is nothing that cannot be synthesized anymore. You can even dream up years of her backstory and have her post daily updates live aka “onlyfans”.

    Sure, authencity will be left to slowly bleed out on pavement, but majority of people will step over it on their way to perfect synthesized reality they always wanted

    It may all sound doom and gloom, but that future is fast approcahing by mile steps and it will be here sooner than later and lot sooner than many people realize or even want to admit it, because to lot of people that kind of future is unimaginable and scary as fuck. But you cannot stop the progress, that train already left the station.

    There are basically two camps: Ones that fear the synthetization and digitalization of our lives will happen and then the other that embraces it.