Adkml [he/him]

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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: August 17th, 2023


  • A lot of Americans, especially the ones obsessed with voting, have the most incredible main character syndrome I’ve ever seen.

    No, asshole, we live in new york state. My vote for president literally does not matter and neither does fucking yours unless you crumple your ballot up into a ball and throw it at the dem candidate so hard they die.

    This latest Trump shooter is a perfect example.

    Voted for Trump in 2016 then voted for biden in 2020 because he’d become a single issue voter on arming ukriane.

    This dumb sack of shit literally could not have possibly gotten more of what he asked for out of voting for neigh on a decade at this point. But the entire country wasn’t bending over backwards to give him exactly what he asked for fast enough and hard enough so he figured he could single handedly also be a spec ops sniper and continue to bend reality to his will, based in the fact he deserved the entire universe to bend to his will.

  • Can’t wait for liberals to melt down because the moderators aren’t making the arguments kamala should be making.


    While also insisting that asking kamala questions about how her statements aren’t internally consistent is a double standard.

    Libs get super mad that Trump completely bullshits an answer and then gets away with it but haven’t thought to have their candidate highlight a couple of those things for 8 years.

    A sound bite of Kamal saying how trump keeps talking about post birth abortions shows he literally just inventing stuff in his head to get mad at, like all the whiny piss baby conservatives, would be a great angle.

    Instead if they do that she’ll apologize in 24 hours like Clinton with her basket of deplorable statement, the only good piece of campaigning she did.

  • Yea I’m not sure how you continue living in a place that 80% of your neighbors were very clear theybdidnt give a shit about your murdered kid like 6 weeks later.

    Well I know the answer is actually that it’s a poor border town so they can’t afford to leave and they’re in southern Texas so they’d have to move damn near a thousand miles to get anywhere halfway decent but other than that.

  • I can’t believe it didn’t happen after Uvalde but then again in the next election like 80% of votes went to republicans and the sheriff got re-elected.

    Republicans literally just think this is the cost of doing business and are fine with that arrangement they just know it’s not abgreat soundbite to explicitly say “I care more about being allowed to bring any gun anywhere then I do about children dying.” But they’ve been implicitly saying that for decades.