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Joined 2 years ago
Cake day: March 23rd, 2022


  • Wrong at every step?

    • Socialism doesn’t require class abolition, though it’s a goal in transition to communism.
    • Class abolition doesn’t require work abolition, only that everybody belongs to a single class which is based on ownership of MoP, simplified, if everyone works and nobody extracts rent, there is no class distinction.
    • Work abolition doesn’t require bedtime abolition, there’s just straight up no causal relationship, it’s possible to have bedtimes with any regular schedule that’s not necessarily work.
    • Bedtime abolition only requires school reformation so that it is less rigid — I would welcome that but it’s an area that needs to be threaded very carefully and experimentations there raise ethical questions I don’t have answers to.

  • I care little about individuals honestly. More interested to see what happens if the industrial power of Germany joined the Soviet Union. In the shitty timeline, the Great Depression has created a political conditions that kinda forced the imperial countries to remove sanctions on USSR. Machines purchased during that time that have been crucial in rapid industrialization. However, the USSR-Germany alliance would’ve jump-started the process earlier. Maybe Germany could’ve also been a springboard for socialist ideas in the rest of the Europe, but even if not, the WW2 would’ve been much less destructive and less profitable for the USA. And from here, one can only dream…