Belly_Beanis [he/him]

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Joined 1 month ago
Cake day: August 8th, 2024


  • You forgot they’re also criminal masterminds who smuggle in thousands of dollars in drugs over the border, kill hundreds of Americans without getting caught, are master engineers that build massive tunnel networks underground, and scam the government out of billions of dollars via welfare programs.

    Honestly I wish immigrants were the people conservatives think they are because they’d have an insane set of skills we could use.

  • Republicans jumping ship isn’t talked about enough. Paul Ryan knew to bail before those investigations started about corruption back in 2015ish. I think even more republicans saw Trump throw his own VP under the bus and realized they, too, are expendable. And since Trump has faced zero consequences while everyone around him goes to prison, they don’t want to rely on getting a pardon when the party wants them to do something stupid.

  • I think I’d rather be launched into the sun over Jupiter. The sun you die pretty quickly as you get closer to it. I can’t imagine there’s much that could stop heat once you get past Mercury. Jupiter though? Jupiter is fucking spooky. Its core is hot like any molten core, but there’s no crust. You’d fall through the sky and just keep falling for hundreds of miles. You’d eventually die from the heat like you would with the sun, but you wouldn’t be able to see anything. At some point all you can see is goop. It’s like being underwater in the Mariana Trench, but the water is nitrogen, metallic hydrogen, and liquid silicone.

  • It’s been over a decade since Trump started gaining momentum in federal politics. It’s been even longer since the Tea Party movement. Conservatives have zero shame. The hypocrisy is the point. They are bullies who do not care about facts or data. They only care about winning and hurting people they don’t like.

    My point is: no matter what names you call him, no matter how much of a moron he acts, Trump does not give a shit. He won’t debate anyone again? He’s afraid of Harris and won’t use her name? Motherfucker what reality have you been living in for the last 12 years? Liberals either do not understand how conservatives operate or they are in full-blown copium mode.