Maybe if we just vote a little harder
Maybe if we just vote a little harder
60k is not a lot. It just isn’t. If you guys think it’s a lot cool. I don’t.
Also what’s the tax status on these rewards? Gift or taxable? If taxable even less
Also if it’s actually life changing does that mean you would of narcd if the amount was 100% going to be given to you?
Okay. Easier for 3 years.
Life changing is not free rent for a few years.
Life changing is being removed from your immediate circumstances. 60k. At most would make life a bit more bearable
60k is not life changing. It’ll just make life easier for a year or two
Why would you use a cc of you had 8 k in cash on you?
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They found him with 8k in cash on him.
He decided to get reabsorbed into the main party that only used him for fundraising.
In the end. He actually did something.
And at one point we thought the moon was made of cheese. Things change. Maybe Luigi is just allowing enough pressure to vent off. Or maybe another step to some type of break in the norms. Who knows🤷. . I don’t really care what his confused ideology is. His actions make it pretty clear that he could be won over to an anti capitalist thought. But if his actions lead to class unity and some type of cohesion of the have nots than it was the right thing to do.
I know i used to be a huge reactionary chud when i was in my early 20s and the despair i was dealt during the financial crisis completely changed me in a matter of a year.
Naw. Assad was corrupt the whole time. He was just an empty vessel to Western leftist to fill there ideas and feelings into.
I don’t know. There is no Syrian state. I don’t know why people keep talking about it. With how fast the assad regime collapsed to guys in tacomas makes it pretty clear that Syria is just a place on a map. And not an actually functioning country
I don’t know the geography but if it’s flat than it’s not going to be Afghanistan
The majority of people are just politically incoherent. Even real world leftist heros aren’t pure.
It’s really the biggest issue the left has created for it self. This guy has done more to change the narrative on health care than any one else. And the “left” is already tearing into him cuz his not pure.
You can still feel good about what this man has done and engage others about it. But keep in mind another trueanon rule. Dont be weird
What is coherent ideology? Is it even real?
It’s the only air over there. The “left” in the past decade has completely abandoned that space
There a name floating around on Tiktok Got time to finally look at tiktok longer. Looks like some boomer named larry is blabing about it. And it does seem that him wearing a mask was a give away.
Also. Enjoy your never ending harassment Larry and friend. Idiots.