• 2 Posts
Joined un anno fa
Cake day: 12 giugno 2023


  • Perfect. ‘Downvote’ me too so you can really show it to me how WRONG I am.

    If you want to see what happens if this culture permeates here just look at Mastodon. Negative growth, barely any interaction and it’s the same few people shouting into the void. I checked some mutuals who proudly announced they’d move to Mastodon and most haven’t posted anything this year. Still posting regularly on Twitter tho :clownface:
    A lot of users here are the same, ‘move’ here to show they’re protesting and then stop posting in a few weeks or months and back to reddit.
    Some clown mod made over 50 magazines/subs on kbin. Hasnt posted 1 comment since a little over a week. Bio reads: ‘Proud owner of xxx communities.’ lol

    If there is no unique culture/point to this platform and it’s just reddit 2.0 then people will simply go back to reddit.

  • Not to be diminutive to your point, but reddit discussion weren’t high quality either and I have a feeling they won’t be here too. They might be friendlier on here, written more ‘eloquently’ to give them a sheen of informedness, but unless people start from similar knowledge bases on topics, then meaningful discussion will never materialize.

    I predict any technical/political topic on here will be a dumpsterfire of uninformedness just like it was on reddit. You can already see reddit-tier responses to popular topics. In the end the same few talking points will be repeated over and over again, right or wrong (mostly wrong or incomplete).

    It’s why I personally stay away from these completely and stick to sharing art/game stuff. It’s far more sane.