Chronicon [they/them]

  • 3 Posts
Joined 5 months ago
Cake day: May 10th, 2024


  • Commenting here as well for visibility, the author of this article mangled the math to produce this clickbait headline. It’s very cool tech with a lot of potential, but it unfortunately did not show 1700x the efficiency of a google TPU.

    The paper claims that a simulated scaled-up 8-bit version of this tech (180nm CNT transistor TPUs) could theoretically reach 1TOPS/W. That is less than the efficiency the author specifies for the google TPU (4TOPS/2W = 2TOPS/W)

    Then they go on to speculate that a lower process node will probably improve that efficiency greatly (very likely true, but no figures listed in the public preview of the paper, even simulations)

    The author of the article assumed (wrongly) that the actual chip they made could do 1TOPS (it’s only 3000 transistors and can only do 2-bit math), and that it consumed 295 microwatts to do so, for an efficiency of 3389TOPS/W. (roughly 1700x the 2TOPS/W of the google chip) That’s of course ludicrous.

  • is interesting

    on the band name:

    Where are you from? Why are you called White Town?

    Two reasons:

    1. I’m Indian. I was born there and we emigrated to Britain when I was three years old, in 1969

    I chose the name of the band to represent some of the experiences I had as a kid, growing up brown in predominantly white towns. As you may imagine, it wasn’t exactly a barrel of laughs.

    1. I was also alluding to this bit of history:

    Around the forts the first signs of segregation were already apparent – the European and Indian communities lived in separate settlements with very distinct characters. In the case of Fort St. George, Madras, the main fortifications surrounded the warehouses and other military buildings, and the so-called ‘white town’ had another ring of fortification separating it from the ‘black town’. (Source: IndiaNest)

    On the lyrics:

    I love ‘Your Woman’ BUT what is it about??? Are you a man/woman/transsexual?

    Ummmm…well, that’s a toughie. When I wrote it, I was trying to write a pop song that had more than one perspective. Although it’s written in the first person the character behind that viewpoint isn’t necessarily what the casual listener would expect. I’d been reading a lot of Wilhelm Reich and Andrea Dworkin and they both influenced the lyrics in different ways. Yes, I’m a geek.

    So, these are some of the things it’s about:

    • Being a member of an orthodox Trotskyist / Marxist movement (as I was for three years in the 80s).
    • Being a straight guy in love with a lesbian (ditto).
    • Being a gay guy in love with a straight man (not tried this one yet).
    • Being a straight girl in love with a lying, two-timing, fake-ass Marxist.
    • The hypocrisy that results when love and lust get mixed up with highbrow ideals 🙂

    The last time I checked I was male. But as for gender….that’s another kettle of fish 🙂

    This is the dua lipa song:

  • large chunks of his party actually rebelled against him to collaborate with the left and deny the fascists a plurality. Sure, you can say the left doesn’t have an outright majority, but under the rules of the game they were playing, the largest party gets to set up a government, and macron has decided “nah actually the president’s preferred gov’t gets to just keep ruling indefinitely if you don’t have a 2/3rds majority to oust him”

    It’s kind of cope, but they did win, their voting bloc is the largest. The “right wing” bloc you mention doesn’t (yet) exist, electorally. This result should force Macron to pick whether to work with the left or the right (and we know which way he leans in practice), but he’s saying “neither” and continuing to rule without a democratic mandate, so it’s right to call that bullshit out.

    Its also a great demonstration of how liberals claim to give a shit about norms and tradition and peaceful transfer of power, but that’s only when they are handing the reins off to the even further right wing, or refusing to take power in the first place. When there is a left wing threat those “principles” go out the window.