Cigarette_comedian [he/him]

No, I don’t smoke.

  • 5 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: March 13th, 2023


  • You see, the truth of the potato famine in Ireland hinges not on the potato harvest going bad, but the other foods being exported without regard for the starving Irish. All the grain and beef produced in Ireland was being shipped to the rest of Great Britain for profit, and imports of maize and grain from other countries was illegal due to protectionist laws. This, coupled with the ruthless exploitation of the Irish by absentee landlords, shrinking farm sizes, and horrific “welfare” options, led to the deaths of millions of Irish and the migration of many more from the country. All to protect the business of the British agricultural sector.

  • This is what literally didn’t happen to Harald Hairfair. His dad fukken died from falling into a frozen lake that was melted by hot cow poop, and then his uncle came to the farm he was staying at. He was all like “Uh yeah, ur dad died, kiddo, so you’re chief now. Yes, I know you’re about 10, so I’ll be assisting you against all our rivals.” and when Harald became an adult (15 yrs old), his uncle was cool about it and stepped aside to be an advisor and general.

  • The Nintendo game that states that fascism is capitalism in decay :pigmask:

    How did Mr. Itoi do it?!

    “Ah yes, Mr. Itoi! What was your last game about again?”

    “Defeating the very concept of evil using the power of friendship.”

    “Mother 2, of course! Yes a funny and clever RPG which captured the hearts of many (not in the US.) So, what’s your next game going to be about?”

    “A commune gets ruined by the introduction of money.”


    “The player is going to see a peaceful and equal society get transformed into a mockery of itself, obsessed with accumulation and new doodads. The animals will be turned into machines as part of a sick joke.”

    “Mr. Itoi? What are you-”

    “The player will have to do repetitive menial factory work for several minutes to earn a pittance of pay and the privilege of getting to progress to the next area, which is a club meant to distract the people from their unfulfilling work. Even the blacksmith will be working in the factory.”

    “I don’t know if-”

    “The villains will be wearing masks resembling pigs, they will do roman salutes, they will drive tanks, they will pollute the environment, they will commit terrorism with a wunderwaffe, they will all eat burgers and fries and drink soda.”

    “A little on the nose don’t you th-”

    “The villain is going to be someone named Porky.”


    “The final area is New Pork City.”

    “Alright fine. We’ll start the 10 year development hell the next quarter.”