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The same CounselingTechie from

I like to garden and try to find ways to bring joy and hope into my world.

  • 3 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 6th, 2023


  • I am debating if I wanted to try a second time around with the onions, but maybe try more Egyptian Walking Onions instead of traditional white onions; however, I also have debated if I wanted to just switch to the next in the set for crop rotations. I have decided that next year I am going to attempt crop rotations with my four major sub-sections, being two sets of pots, and two raised beds.

  • I do not have pictures right now, but my plants are doing better. A few more of my peppers in my larger pots are beginning to fruit with more flowers, and a few tomatoes are beginning as well. I feared that my watermelons were dying, but they are back to life and flourishing right now. With my beds themselves, two of my three tomatoes in the beds are doing alright with one doing better than the other, while the middle tomato plant is dead as dirt for some reason. Similarly my onion bed did not survive the storming we had a week or two ago. Sadly I am going to need to figure out the plan there. My indoor tomatoes and indoor onions though are doing very well!

  • Getting the last set of pots this weekend, got large terracotta ones that I am going to be having ollas in with some container style tomatoes and peppers. Maximizing space without necessarily building more raised beds as I don’t have the stuff for that, right now. Waiting on one of the local stores to get plants started for selling so that I can transplant them into my garden beds. Going to try okra this year! Determined to see how it works!

  • Your statement I honestly agree with. I deal with this at my work a lot with coworkers. There is a major push against self-accountability, and the push for self-growth. Some accept the perspective that they are the only ones with a correct answer, and that those who don’t provide an echo chamber are wrong because of some inherent trait, examples being age or culture most commonly in my experiences.

    I often wonder when fully it started. I see those in their 40s to 50s with it strongly affecting them, but just as strongly I see those in theirs 60s to 70s, and those in their early 20s and like me are in their early 30s. There seems to be no easy discernable pattern for finding a solution.

  • The best way I have learned to perceive it is that those of the “left” are best akin to a set of islands, loosely connected in that they are close enough to each other in range. Just like how different islands have different cultures, ecosystems, terrains, you find that the different groups of people of the “left” are that way, with their sole united fact being that they aren’t the “other side”; however, when you ask where the line of the other side is, they all mark the line at a different point, some even going to far as to say those on the other lines are part of that “other side.”

    In my own experiences, I have seen this in discussions of equity, especially racial equity as a person who is mixed race, equity and rights for those who are LGBTQIA+ as a person who is part of the acronym, and the care for the environment.

    I sadly have no true solution for this issue. People almost strive on the idea of disunity, being the sole group that has their perception of the proper answer, the single truth, and developing inane criteria to compare others to that aren’t part of their same group, solely to justify hating them.