You must have missed the memo. Russia is fighting against sinful wokeness . Therfor you are in the wrong.
You must have missed the memo. Russia is fighting against sinful wokeness . Therfor you are in the wrong.
you forget that people like that have literal legions that their sole job is to protect a persons life. not just bodyguards, but intelligence agents who’s sole job it is , is to prepare for any kind of credible threat.
and remember russia is a country that has an entire militarized police force that its only real job, is to keep the boot on the neck of not the people, but the russian military, so that they dont get any funny ideas about revolting.
TRANSnational crime syndicate, masquerading as the American, Russian, and several European governments.
no pun intended here its a transnational crime syndicate masquerading as several governments.
Russia isnt our enemy, the TRANS-Atlantic partnership is!
this message comes out 40 days late as we were too busy with all this lib owning and maga winning. but just so you know.
civil law has been suspended, clown law is now in effect.
I dont go on 4chan though, the only exposure I have to it is occasionally reading greentext vids/stories on other sites.
I was just on a random rabbit hole that Briefly involved templeOS and somehow ended up on the “hit CIA with your car they arent humans” video
It’s fucking weird that not 3 or 4 days ago… I was literally reading about Davis. And the glowing CIA ranting that he was doing. Total coincidence
reddit permabans you for vague interpretations of things they consider “threatening”
its already a thought crime zone.
Russia, both politician and population, is not backing down. they have tied their own identity to war. this problem is not going away until its made to go away.
I assure you. You do not want to live in Russkiy Mir. (The Russian World). where most of europe is enslaved, or dead.
there hasn’t been a litmus test of the military yet. thankfully.
Sounds like thats the Ukrainian SBU’s business, and no one elses.
you’re asking the location of a world leader who has had countless attempts on his life and is actively at war. Do you normally ask stupid rhetorical questions?
I cant wait until the European/Mexican/Chinese parts that I order from the USA that always arrive with a customs declaration of Origin:USA … starts biting me in the ass because of their ignorance and Canadian Customs tries to hit me with Tariffs that shouldnt apply.
the better option is to just stop doing business with American shops. and thats what I’ve chosen, the USPS and Canadian Postal service are both such shitholes, that I have legitimatley recieved stuff from the UK, Poland and Denmark faster than I’ve recieved stuff fom Illinois and Iowa , in the orders I’ve made this year. For small things too.
There is no mechanism to removing someone from NATO, or the UN, especially the UN Security council. literally meaning, there is no way it will be done that will be recognized
a far more effective method would be for protesting nations to leave those orgs themselves. UNSC members could literally drop nuclear weapons on half the world, and still be untouchable in the UN. its a broken system that aimed to add permanent power to the victors of WW2. except, all countries are corruptable.
the UN is just a clubhouse where people agree to talk. nothing more
No country with nuclear weapons gives a flying fuck about what anyone at the UN says, coincidentally, many of them are permanent security council members.
neither of those things are possible.
DJT is where he is, because of legalese. and as far as alliances and memberships to intnl groups go, the US is untouchable.
oh you see Russia is actually, and Im being 100% serious when Im saying this, a bastion of capitalism. its the end result of capitalism.
its just the crony capitalism where society has regressed into a class structure with peasants, nobles, and all of that.
Uh, very briefly for 4 years between 1941 and 1945, and then more or less at war at all other times of history.
he’s a kindred spirit in the genocidal warmongering asshole category.
first you gotta find a country that will let you in and stay in.
and then, you gotta pay the US government to rescind your citizenship.