tfw the Holy Book (Atlas Shrugged) was misinterpreted.
tfw the Holy Book (Atlas Shrugged) was misinterpreted.
It’s also just less effective this time around. Everyone’s afraid of being poor, capitalism as it exists functions based on that, so there’s a strong emotion that gets people wrapped up with the NFT hype train.
It’s a lot less convincing to go “Have fun being as productive as you are right now, loser.”, at least without also going mask off and sounding like a supervillain.
Chat-GPT-TFSD-21guns can have a little anthropomorphism, as a treat.
This is somehow even sadder than “I have depicted you as the wojak”.
“I contracted the least efficient computer possible to depict myself as the chad, therefore I win.”
It’s the imbalance of power. No one wants to be the gatekeeper at the local game store telling the 12 year old kid “Sorry, you can’t play your Spongebob deck here tonight”, whereas as the ones printing the cards, they can be gatekeepers of “Sorry, you can’t play your deck without the One Ring here tonight” off of the basis of “normal” power creep.
Skimming the reddit thread in search of general public sentiment about this, but unfortunately mostly just found a greatest hits compilation of very gross comments.
According to these very smart people, parents should expect your teenager to die as an outcome of not being perfect people 24/7, technology can never be at fault even when it literally tells you to commit suicide in coded language, and it’s actually impossible to understand which parts of society are causing kids to be depressed, so we must take it as a given that we can’t do anything about it. I regret having done this to myself.
Now I wonder if Musk calling the diver “pedo guy” was him thinking “yeah, this is exactly what Tony Stark would say to the bad guy” because he doesn’t understand media literacy even a little bit. (More likely, it’s just him being the regular type of weird we’ve come to expect from him)
Meta’s happy to give away models for free, so models are evidently worth $0.
You’re correct that I can’t stop them from making pants on head stupid decisions, but I’m not going to stop making fun of them.
very likely making it economically viable…
They’re going to fund currently economically nonviable nuclear plants to power their currently economically nonviable genAI schemes? Over the time horizon of 25 years a decade (edit: misread the article) before they scale up energy capacity at all past the rnd stage? Maybe pants on head is too generous.
“ChatGPT is good, but only if no one in a position of authority uses it”
The Network School offers Johnson’s healthy food and a fitness program called the Blueprint Protocol. He claims that after three years of following his blueprint the duration of his night-time erections totals 179 minutes, “better than the average 18-year-old”
Yeah, this is a very normal diet that’s advertising itself in very normal ways.
The logical conclusion of normalizing “Social Media Manager” as a role in companies is that as they get better at their jobs and become more believable, the average corporate communication will trend towards 13-year old edgy shitposter. God I feel old.
I’m thoroughly convinced Musk is an AI generated person and his life’s goal is simply to find the AI that generated him.
I know generally speaking, people want to use very exacting language when talking about technicals, so it’s not that strange when people hedge edge cases - it’s just what they’re taught to do in their careers.
But, when we’re talking about financials, instead of being detailed and careful, it’s just sounds desperate when you have to tack on a hundred dollar value add to your supposedly million dollar company.
That same tired script of “You can’t say AI is useless, I use it as a $productivityApp, so it’s clearly not worth nothing, which invalidates all your claims.” shows up in Zitron’s comment box, it’s like clockwork.
I dunno man, maybe it’s because the ability to generate templates and spellcheck is a free feature in most IDEs and would be a rounding error of a rounding error when we’re talking about billion dollar investments?
Wasn’t the first time he shut down 8chan (or was it Kiwifarms? Something along the lines), he immediately came out to say “It’s really bad that I have the power to take down a website of shitheads.” Just seemed like everything about his ideology is confused.
Astounding, they’ve made noSQL for filesystems!
I am in awe of the sheer number of GPUs… whose lives ChatGPT has changed.
If it was just this one line, this would be in the top 10 funniest things ever written around genAI. Too bad the rest of the rambling insanity ruins it.
So I should be clear, I dont think theres anything special about Tech companies that should let them be treated differently. But for whatever reason, it is a fact that places like We or Tesla or Theranos or fucking Groupon gets stupid valuations just because they’re “tech” adjacent.
If the market ever catches on that theres no secret ingredient (and as Zitron’s shown, there are pretty visible public numbers pointing at this), we’re looking at a correction at the trillion dollar scale. Or maybe we never ask Google to put up or shut up, and just keep the fairy powder in our eyes forever.
The computation seems to be generating a uniformly random set and picking a sample of it. I can buy that it’d be insanely expensive to do this on a classical computer, since there’s no reasonable way to generate a truly random set. Feels kinda like an unfair benchmark as this wouldn’t be something you’d actually point a classical computer at, but then again, that’s how benchmarks work.
I’m not big in quantum, so I can’t say if that’s something a quantum computer can do, but I can accept the math, if not the marketing.