• 5 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 6th, 2023


  • I’ve been at my current job, which is a nonprofit in the social services industry for 10 years. I didn’t intentionally choose this industry but j found I’m very comfortable here. It can be a stressful job at times, but what job isn’t.

    Theres no money in most non profits. However I’ve never hated my job the biggest downside aside from salary, I don’t have the budget, tools, or resources to do what I’d like at times. I also tend to wear every hat in our small IT dept. A distinct difference I’ve found in the non profits I’ve worked for is company culture is so much better. Ymmv depending on the industry and size, but people who stick with the company are usually in it for the mission. This tends to weed out the “bad eggs”.

    I have a hard time stepping away from my job even tho j could easily make $50k more at a for profit company. I’m not sad about my choices even tho I’d certainly like to be paid more. I don’t live to work though, and the job doesn’t demand it of me so it makes for a decent work/life balance.

  • I don’t do much with bash since I primarily do windows admin, but I run into the same issue with powershell.

    I have a document in VSCode that I store frequently used commands and any kind of notation/documentation I need to take advantage of it in the future. It’s a lot of one or two liners for stuff I know I’m going to forget, like the once a month hyperv cluster update command 😂.

    Similarly I’ve added functions to the powershell local and global profiles on my computer/group policy. (contextually similar to bashrc, bash_profile, that load when launching interactive or non interactive shells, as well as user context) That way i can easily execute repeptive commands without having to think!

    Basically, I think we all have the same problem and we’ve forgotten more than we know lol

  • I used my nacho leftovers to make tacos today after picking up some meat from a carniciera!

    I typically use parchment paper for everything. The cleanup wasn’t too bad, somehow my sheetpan remains fairly stick-free even after the abuse I frequently put it through, though I admit after I saw the mess on the sheetpan after the food was eaten, I had regretted not using parchment lol.

    I did two-layers of chips with some sauce, and lots of cheese, on the first layer and second layer. I loaded the top layer with all the rest of the fixings and left a hole in the center for the guacamole and sour cream. I wanted no chip to be dry and disappointing!

  • I’m so pleased to hear! I have grown to not only appreciate kimchi in the last several years, but the overall variety of banchan itself. Admittedly, I’ve only ever had like 7 or 8 different kinds, since all of the of the Korean restaurants near me seem to universally be Korean BBQ and serve the same few items. (and I don’t get out to Koreantown very much). I love the learning process involved with making things by hand, the results, and quite often the cost savings!

    The last time I made Kimchi I used the too-sour and unpleasantly soft old Kimchi to make Kimchi Jiggae and Kimchi Fried Rice. OMG!