• 35 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 19th, 2023


  • Always vanilla, because you can do so many things with it. Eat it plain, eat it with toppings, eat it alongside a heated dessert, make affogato or iced coffee, etc. I only buy “ice cream”, though. In my opinion, anything that can’t meet the minimum milk fat standards (and therefore can’t use the words “ice cream” on its packaging) is usually pretty bad compared to stuff that can. It’s either noticeably less creamy or it has a weird artificial creaminess (a good example of this is Peter’s). I’ll buy Bulla or Golden North if they’re on sale, otherwise I go for Foodland or Drake’s home-brand.

  • Not as far as I’m aware, but vapes can also contain different chemicals that may contribute towards different types of health conditions. More research is needed on the long-term effects I think (which can only come with time). One thing I have definitely noticed among people I know who vape and/or smoke is that the vaping is constant and done everywhere and anywhere, whereas smoking is far less common and will be something that people remove themselves from a group to do (outside and further away). Vapers are far less considerate of others and vape more because they believe it’s less harmful, which increases the level of harm. So in that sense, I think government policy is also important here to signal that vaping is not harmless so that we can start changing the culture around it like was done with smoking many decades ago.

  • Vaping becoming socially acceptable and widespread has been fucking annoying as an asthmatic, so I am please to see that we’re entering a period where the health risks are being better examined and governments are starting to regulate. Social policymaking is always difficult, but it’s a start and hopefully can be improved and refined in the future. A solution having potentially unintended consequences is not a reason to avoid attempting to solve the problem altogether. I also don’t buy this libertarian “any restriction of my freedom is bad” argument when the behaviour in question is anti-social and harmful.

  • It’s not a “problem”, as such. As I said, I created the account to view the pages and groups of small businesses and organisations that have no other online presence. I don’t use it for the doomscroll algorithm. This was just my observation of what kind of content is targeted towards males in my location by default.

  • I found this article quite interesting, as I deactivated my main Facebook account around the time the article asserts Facebook was still “trying” and only recently created a new account under a generic pseudonym to access all the community and small business information that is still locked entirely to the platform. Because I have basically nothing in my feed on this account, Facebook backfills it with “recommended” posts and I was pretty shocked at how universally terrible they are. I guess the algorithm uses my location and gender to generate these recommendations, since I’ve provided very little in the way of alternative information or interaction for it to use. As a result, my default feed is basically just a wall of misogynistic and highly sexualised slop and even the few genuine recommended posts (like backpackers looking for travelling buddies) are clearly being recommended because they feature young women with a bunch of older men thirsting over them in the comments.

  • I tend to avoid most reality TV because I never know how much has been cut or instigated by the producers to make the show more dramatic. The one sub-genre I don’t mind is the contest one, specifically where it’s focused on the challenges rather than personal interactions between contestants. A few Korean ones I’ve watched recently which were quite good were Physical: 100, Siren: Survive The Island and The Devil’s Plan. Of course, the editing still makes these shows appear more dramatic or tense than they really were but at least they generally don’t misrepresent the personalities of the people involved.