
I am schizotypal. I write in a bizarre way. It’s part of the mental disorder to communicate like that. I also have odd and out of touch thoughts that come with this disorder that could be obvious in my posts. I don’t really notice those things.

  • 8 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: May 3rd, 2023


  • I googled some thoughts I had and discovered a book called “revenge capitalism” written by Max Haiven. this is from his website.

    –Beyond the mere dispassionate cruelty of ‘ordinary’ structural violence, it appears today as a global system bent on reckless economic revenge; its expression found in mass incarceration, climate chaos, unpayable debt, pharmaceutical violence and the relentless degradation of common life. Revenge capitalism, as I have sought to define it throughout this book, is a dimension of capitalist accumulation at its intersections with other systems of power wherein it appears to take needless, warrantless, and ultimately self-destructive vengeance on humans and other forms of life. I have argued that it names both a general tendency within capitalism throughout its history as well as a valence of the particular period in which we live, since roughly the mid-1970s, coterminous with neoliberalism, financialization, and capitalist globalization. My appending of the adjective “revenge” to capitalism does not seek to offer a categorical or definitional qualifier but, rather, to encourage us to orient our imagination to the vindictive qualities of capitalism

    –Capitalism not only takes revenge; it also shapes how we imagine what revenge is and who is guilty of it, hiding its own systemic vengeance while transforming individualistic narratives of revenge into popular cultural commodities.

    A lot of people will say that the best revenge is success. I’m sure even Elon Musk said that. In a way, he’s selling the idea that you can use capitalism to get an act of revenge. The people who use the system as a tool for revenge are definitely a problem in my opinion.