Kolibri [she/her]

Death to America


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Joined 10 months ago
Cake day: November 28th, 2023


  • venting

    cw: grief and depression

    I woke up really early because my dad coughing woke me up. I don’t understand how he can say he’s fine. I just wish he would get it looked at it. But no. Doesn’t matter how many people try encouraging him to go see someone. Just like his drinking. Would be cool if I could just drag a doctor somewhere and bring said doctor here.

    but like besides that, I manage to fall back asleep despite being really hungry. and then I had dreams of my mom. and I hate how vivid they were. It felt like she was alive, and when I woke up again, I was very like, confused. before like waking up more and realizing that like she gone. and just quickly reprocessing that all.

    and this reminded me of like. why does my dad just not seem to care that like she dead? I know like they broke up like almost a decade ago because of his drinking. but like still. he knew her for at least some decades before that. and just nothing? nothing?? he didn’t even want to go to her funeral, he only went because of me. of course doesn’t help that like. one my siblings s.o threaten to beat my dad up and to stay away from said sibling over the phone.

    but just still. like. my sibling wasn’t always around my mom. and when my mom was like dying. she said she was okay with seeing him. and it sounded like my mom wanted to see him. but like. did my dad ever show up to talk to her or to see her? no. not even in the hospital or when she was in hospice.

    trying to give him the benefit of the doubt that maybe he just keeping it all to himself or something… but a part of me really doubts that. I sometimes really hate being alive, I hate being here. just endless misery. well that not always true, there are some good moments in between it all. but still. sometimes it would just be nice to just, not be here.