Thank you for the updates 😍 I am very eager to see the planned demon halls quest, maybe the update can also have yog dzewa buff as he is very weak compared to the scorpions and eyeballs of previous floors?
But hmm I don’t look forward for the planned changes on city imp quest though, I think ‘progression’ makes roguelikes fun, and the planned imp quest goes against this by forcing a new roguelike game within a roguelike game. It depreciates my build if I cannot use it, and it doesn’t work with challenges too? If I can’t use my inventory and build, I want to just skip his new quest, but then I cannot access his shop on floor 20. I wish imp quest can have better, more epic ideas like caves quest 😁
I mean if the new quest takes away your stuff temporarily for a chance of getting imp rewards, it will be like there’s a slay the spire event where you’ll temporarily lose your cards and items, and I feel this doesn’t feel right in a roguelike as it nullifies my previous decisions and progression? The imp idea feels unenjoyable and also a risky gamble on a high floor 17, I wish skipping the imp quest will not make his shop disappear on floor 20 😅 though perhaps the vault can be fun if it’s something like ExperiencedPD, adding wacky items and becoming overpowered farming upgrades in the vault