After noticing how inappropriate the song was, they played “Nearer My God to Thee” instead
After noticing how inappropriate the song was, they played “Nearer My God to Thee” instead
Looks a lot better than Doom on the Pocket Station
And I thought they all ran on XP
The fourth one looks like he’d be a great anaesthetist.
Why would Moscow Mitch have an issue with that?
Is that the same art style as “You’ve Got This, Juri!”?
Sounds like Michael Jackson having a stroke
Darum der Spitzname “Nazi FDP”
Captain, scanners detect a silver ship with a bright light beacon approaching
What kind of crossover is this? The sequel to Assimilation²?
A GBC only takes 2 AA batteries
I just looked it up and turns out that was Tim and not Dick as Robin
Didn’t he also date Jubilee, or was that Tim?
I hope the thief has his licence ready, otherwise the guild hall is getting a new weather vane.
The Soup of Theseus