NPa [he/him]

  • 1 Post
Joined 4 years ago
Cake day: July 26th, 2020


  • Sounds the same as in Denmark, parties aren’t really accountable to anyone but the party leadership and since advancement inside the party is based on nepotism and ass-kissing, no-one rocks the boat too much when leadership decides to pivot.

    It’s just wild to me sometimes that there’s no real way to do something like a vote of no-confidence among rank and file members, outside of the party getting their status/funding revoked by the state on account of not receiving enough votes. (Of course the lib response is to i-voted ‘change it from the inside if you don’t like it’, but that runs into the same issue again: if the internal party structure and culture promotes sycophants and weasel behaviour, nothing will change)

    And now I realize yet again that I’m basically just rehashing what is to be done in a confused and less eloquent manner lenin-heisenberg

    Liberal politics is a fuck

  • I’m sure you’re just giving liberal politicians too much credit by assuming that they aren’t just craven slugs, willing participants in the hollowing out of society for profit. They don’t believe things will get generally better from privatization, they believe things will get better for them specifically.

    Now why the average liberal voter believes in this shit, it’s probably just a mix of unconscious anti-communism and unexamined big-brain centrism that dictates that going to far either way would be too ‘extreme’ so a ‘mixed’ economy is by definition the best.

  • I’m sure they got that juche in them, but I also think public works projects just move very slowly here, there’s only like one metro line in Hanoi for almost 9 million people and I don’t think they’ve even completed the first one in Ho Chi Minh City yet after 12 years of construction.

    Not that I can really point fingers, the Copenhagen metro began planning in '90, construction in like the mid 90’s and the first line wasn’t done until 2002 after something like a doubling of the budget and years of delays.