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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 19th, 2023

  • Don’t refer to someone as “MILF” unless they are old enough to be your average friends’ mother.

    I knew a couple of girls who had babies at 17/18 and immediately began calling themselves MILFs and it’s like people just do not understand what the term was created to convey.

    Honestly, don’t refer to yourself as a MILF at all. That’s for other people to decide.

  • A year or so ago I mostly would have agreed with this but there are exceptions. I had a foster dog who was the opposite of everything I ever imagined about a chihuahua. She was curious about everything instead of afraid, only peed outside or on the piddle pads during training, didn’t shake unless it was actually cold, and didn’t really bark, even when we kept her separate from the rest of the house during the introduction process. She was friendly to any people she met and loved other dogs and cats. She was a quick learner with tricks and desperate to please. She was all-around super chill and honestly I should have kept her and immediately regretted letting them adopt her out. What prevented me from doing so was… my prejudice against chihuahuas and being seen as someone who owned a chihuahua. It was dumb and I regret it and miss her all the time. I hope she is living her best life out there in the world. So hashtag notallchihuahuas! (My neighbors also have some pretty chill chis, but foster Pixie was the shit. Great little dog.)

  • It’s phones. Phones are a major problem that no one is willing or able to combat. Schools gave up on trying to ban them because the parents pitch a fit and go to the school board to insist they need to be able to contact their children at all times.

    I asked a colleague yesterday if his daughter—who was an avid reader just a few years ago—had checked out the Libby app yet and he said she barely reads now… because she got a cellphone.*

    Until we are willing to break ourselves and our children of this addiction education will continue to decline.

    *I am aware there is a certain irony in me complaining about cellphones and also recommending an app that is meant to be accessed via cellphone/tablet, but the point still stands!