we been warning about this for 10 years. the trump-hitler comps were not hyperbolic, no matter how many times you read it was fear mongering. we here in a really bad, really dangerous situation. the world needs to be ready for the things to come because things are about to get grim.
My friend was stunned at his nazi solute. I was just happy it jolted her awake to the reality I already knew. Who these people hate, who ALL these people hate, is us. The working classes. @FlyingSquid@lemmy.world and I are both Jewish (him moreso than me, I’m just an inheritor of many cultural traditions, but not the religious traditions), but that’s just… A convenient difference we have from most of the people around us that they can use to pin the world’s problems on us. Once we’re gone, it will be someone else after that. This time they’re not starting with the Jews. They’re starting with the Latin Americans. But just like last time they’re starting with the queer folk first, too. But once the queers and the Latin Americans are no longer available to scapegoat, it will be someone else. Muslims, Jews, Asians, someone. It doesn’t really matter. Not to them anyway. And not to you, or at least it shouldn’t. Start making the biggest coalition you can to stand against all this. It’s a race against time. It’s a race to build the biggest group of people to stand against this, to refuse to squeeze the triggers and refuse to launch the missiles at the orange fuhrer’s command before the order comes.
Please. PLEASE. PLEASE put in the work for this. It’s worth doing. Don’t just do nothing.