they should remove this comment then, and the entire chain.
they should remove this comment then, and the entire chain.
awoo dm harassed POC people and abused her connections to get out of a temp ban for it. These are not ‘no good reasons’
oh damn i thought you were talking about the other one, my mistake
users with long histories on the site usually get more protection for dumb shit, mods and users alike. This isn’t a ‘mod clique’ problem this is a site culture problem.
looks like he finally seeked it
you are posting misinformation, the user posting death threats was not a part of the mod clique and there is literally no evidence for this besides the ravings of one user.
edit: lol i misunderstood, sorry
okay extremely based, it seems shes working on the criticisms of the last administration
what the fuck is this lmao
i gave them hope but they all seemed to be pathetic liberals, even the commies
nah plz destroy things
maybe he wanted to get caught
hows that new ‘government’ working out syria
oh my god the nazis are invading to ethnically cleanse you
communists are the only effective leaders istg
this guy is an annoying prick everytime i see him speaking
lmaooooo true every time we doom or lathe we’re wrong lmao
he knows it will get worse comrade, thats what hes saying. People are just too tired of war to care anymore.
there is a massive difference between colonial and anti colonial nationalism
i dont expect people to be woke, i expect people to not support nazbol shit
I agree with that, Nakoichi really needs to log off and sending death threats/suicide baiting should be permabannable offenses. I agree.