They could be sentient without us knowing. But they live on a different time scale. Everything we do to them would happen very quickly in their perception. So don’t worry and bon appetit.
They could be sentient without us knowing. But they live on a different time scale. Everything we do to them would happen very quickly in their perception. So don’t worry and bon appetit.
Serious question: Was there ever an intel GPU which could be used to play 3d graphics intensive games? The only chips I came across so far were woefully underperforming laptop chips with fancy names.
Same here. On the upside, "All“ on Lemmy has a much higher quality than what Reddit had in the past years. I really enjoy my daily doomscroll on Lemmy.
Die EU ist meines Wissens nicht gerade für schnelle Reaktionen bekannt.
Decipher #39 deciphered in ⏱️ 4m 40s ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐
No hints were harmed in the deciphering process
Da muss ich dich enttäuschen. Die Eigenmarken der Discounter sind meist Produkte, die von den “Markenherstellern“ eingekauft und rebranded werden. Beispiel: Milsani -> Müllermilch. Es macht für die Discounter im Allgemeinen wenig Sinn, eine eigene Produktion aufzubauen.
EDIT: I was wrong. This is in Erfurt, Germany.
That might be Switzerland. White frames around traffic lights are not typical for Germany. And the sign itself would likely have a white background instead of a yellow one. Also there is a Molly Malone Pub with a similar typography as the one in the ad in Winterthur, Switzerland.
And yes, it’s a very boring day today
Exactly. And wait - there’s more: A lot of shops in Germany refuse to accept cards (because every transaction costs them), so you’ll have to pay in cash. After a short while you will carry around a massive amount of nearly worthless coins. Also a lot of elderly people like to pay their groceries in those collected 1, 2, 5 and 10 ct coins. They hand over their cash cent by cent by cent and of course, the cashier has to count them to ensure that the sum is correct. Which it usually isn’t, which means that the elderly person is inclined to go fishing in their purse for more little cent coins and so on.
I wonder what would happen if a bakery decided to round their prices at least up to 10 ct. I for one would be eternally grateful.
From the article: “It is unlikely the Department would ever pursue action against anyone using the Logan Act, given no one has been convicted of violating the 1799 law”
End of story.
Because you said that was not the point of the article and I asked you to clarify why you think it wasn’t. But never mind. This is going nowhere.
Why not? If the starting point of the article is that we can’t design interfaces based on our elitist 5 percenter knowledge then the remedy for that would be…?
I’m using a lepotato for Home Assistant. Works very well for months now, but I’m a bit worried about long term distro support
I wonder why user tests aren’t even mentioned once in the article. If you design an interface you have to test it with your audience
Did you know you can edit your posts? Could be helpful for other readers since you were incorrectly posting in several messages that wine needs root access.
Correct, but the problem here is that apple products are extremely closed up. If they choose not to provide updates any more that’s totally fine, but they should enable developers to install a different os instead of turning the devices to e-waste. There are some projects trying to make a Linux installation possible on iPads, but so far they have failed due to apple’s gatekeeping.
I have an iPad from 2012 which would still be perfectly usable if Apple hadn’t marked this iPad Generation as “obsolete”, and of course it would be a security risk to use it without updates. However, if I could install Linux on it, there would no need to throw it away.
Guter Artikel, ich finde es immer wieder krass wie dreist diese Verpackungen als umweltfreundlich angepriesen werden.
Die Rücknahme von Getränkekartons an bestehenden Pfandrücknahmeautomaten im Handel ist technisch problemlos umsetzbar
Das glaube ich aber erst wenn ich es sehe… Die derzeitigen Pfandrücknahmesysteme sind alle auf Flaschenform ausgelegt, viele haben schon bei Flaschen in perfektem Zustand mit perfekt erhaltenem Etikett Schwierigkeiten, diese zu erkennen. Man darf gespannt sein was zuerst kommt: Selbstfahrende Autos, Flugtaxis oder die automatische Rücknahme von TetraPaks
The video’s title “worst car ever reviewed” was not as balanced though :D
Just call it Ecmascript and be done with it. The name JavaScript was misleading from the beginning. Well, Ecma sounds like a skin disease but who cares.