RiotDoll [she/her, she/her]

Woo Fool

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Joined 4 months ago
Cake day: May 28th, 2024


  • i gave the psl my presidential vote in 2020 and i’m probably doing it again assuming they get ballot access.

    I applied to join as well, because i have a lot of free time right now and I’m sick of not doing anything for what i believe in

    i’m glad the ballot access map is decent, i hope it grows!

    also it was the only time i ever had my ballot challenged lol. I had to affirm my signature and vote was for gloria la riva. Because Washington state mails out ballots, it’s easy to vote and i’d done it a little bit (especially on ballot initiatives) and i was taken aback that the one time I vote how I want, i get my vote taken off the official tallies for a time to mail in the challenge response

  • I think I realized how much these cartoons sucked when they left my life and absolutely nothing got worse, and I didn’t feel as though I was diminished for their absence.

    My partner really doesn’t like most pop culture, and especially early in our relationship, we were sharing spaces intended for a single person - single rooms in an apartment and stuff - so we had to agree on a lot of what we consumed - it meant my “adult” cartoons and shit fell to the wayside. South Park, American Dad, that kind of pablum.

    Once we got enough space back that i found myself able to more comfortably revisit this stuff, it never really landed again. It felt irrelevant. It felt shitty. It felt, at times unkind, but really mostly just irrelevant. Most of them have the voice of the older men who make them - a viewpoint I no longer share nor aspire to - and It’s just like… each episode is 20 minutes of my life I could have spent reading, or doing literally anything more interesting.

    The X shit is gonna be one, maybe two seasons of garbage nobody asked for - just another sign of the rising irrelevance of gen x probably.

    For me, I was watching this shit out of some kind of inertia - it was how I had always filled my time, from the earliest days when sneaking south park was a subversive act against my parents - till those early days realizing my partner’s happiness was more important to me than continuing to watch them - I bet anyone still attached to these garbage shows would have a similar experience if they had a similar extended break. It’s just so non-essential.

  • I once tried to write a scenario where we were made initially as entertainment, creation itself being a kind of sandbox where different ideas got toyed with, earth and its dramas being a fairly specific little sub project that largely served to be interesting - if the creator deigned descend into and experience any given life, he had a reasonably unique experience to undertake. This was achieved by making storytelling machines, basically governors of different aspects of creation, and placed them somewhat at odds, but ultimatley in a context that meant the tug and pull was collaborative - the archons of the apocryphon of john were my inspiration there - with a chief governing storyteller that more or less set an agenda- a mix of archon stuff and demiurge stuff - basically he didn’t make the table, but he sets the table.

    As the creator got bored, eventually experiencing all but a derivative subset of experience - he moved on, and appointed the head storyteller - the demiurge basically - to rule in his stead.

    Then he came back, realizing humanity itself had some interesting properties that were worth elevating, but the storytellers basically rebelled because they were used to bossing these little deranged ape-things around and couldn’t imagine letting them rise above them, when there was no real path for them to ascend beyond their own station.

    Because of the powers abdicated to the storytelling machinery - and because they’re all a subdivision of the divine will, we’re caught in a stalemate - the fall of heaven detailed in stories like Enoch are the driving theme for that material - basically satan is merged with the concept of archons and the demiurge - is largely due to a quirk in how everything we experience was generated - the supreme will abdicated power to a subset of itself in the interest of making sure humanity had some kind of guidance and found it wasn’t as easily revoked as it was given

    anyway i didn’t finish the story because i’m shit at metaphysics and i have the attention span of a weevil.

    also i didn’t know how to reconcile omniscient omnipotence with a situation where the divine will could be defied, even by itself.

  • Sidestepping theism/atheism because i seriously couldn’t care if somebody does or doesn’t believe, but personally I like the concept of eyn sof, or the ‘first cause’ to describe the real creative force behind the universe - and anything lesser is basically just a roided up version of a human soul, which is to say, flawed and created - and anything close enough to us to appear to us or issue dictates to prophets or w/e is probably something created and therefore beneath worship.

    I feel like any kind of actual creative force behind existence probably doesn’t give any particular shits about what we’re getting up to.