SacredExcrement [any, comrade/them]

Some leftist

  • 1 Post
Joined 4 years ago
Cake day: September 22nd, 2020


  • This garbage theory originated in Havana and some scientists noted that it occurred during a time when embassies were being fumigated as Zika was a concern, and exposure to the fumigants would’ve caused the symptoms being experienced

    And it has turned into this absolutely deranged, nonsensical plot about how ‘the evil countries’ are using hitherto unknown weaponry on our brave men and women

    Fuck this idiot heap called a country

  • I’m simply pointing out the idiocy in you literally doing the ‘99% hitler v 100% hitler argument’

    By all means, get all self righteous and sanctimonious about people not voting for a guy who enacted a border shutdown bill, who has literally circumvented Congress to run guns to Israel, and countless other atrocities

    Let me know where that ‘lesser evilism’ gets you; you’ll be back here in four years again. Every four years.

    vote on your “principles” comrade (aka sit on your ass and don’t vote for shit)


    I donate to groups abroad to help negate the damage your guy does while in office, and I volunteer my time to help as well. But you’re really telling on yourself here by thinking ‘voting’ is the only thing that makes a difference here. Why are you even here and not on Reddit in your insular, liberal echo chamber? You clearly are only after that.

  • “The center left tends to win at the ballot box, and then we’re outgunned the other 364 days of the year,” Communications Director Kate deGruyter told me. “And so we have to recognize that there’s an investment required in being able to make sure that the ideas that we see are popular, that are resonant with voters, are actually being carried out.”

    I kind of want to beat these people to death with a hammer

    The overwhelming majority of this country wants healthcare, is that what we’re referring to here? Or maaaaybe they’re talking about how ‘liberals’ (not leftists you fucking NATO loving clowns) always get bullied by conservatives?

    “We’re ensuring that center-left Democrats have a seat at the table,” said Destine Hicks-Lundy, a former Biden White House staffer who joined the think tank last week to lead the initiative, which is part of a new effort known as the Moderate Power Project. “We’re making contact with every moderate Democrat that is interested.”

    Added deGruyter: “They may not have a degree from an Ivy League institution, but they know how important it is to talk to voters in the middle about restoring order at the border and not to center your entire clean energy pitch on the climate benefits of EVs. As a group, these are people who understand how important it is for Democrats to hold the middle and would be critical advocates as decisions are being made to ensure that our ideas and messages will appeal to a broad coalition of voters.”

    …this isn’t a joke? I ACTUALLY want to beat these people to death with a hammer.

    “We’re ensuring that center-left Democrats have a seat at the table,”

    Are you ACTUALLY this fucking stupid?? ‘Center left’ is how every one of you ‘electable’ shitweasels have described yourselves MY ENTIRE LIFE because you’re fucking pussies who don’t have the balls to admit you want to throw in with the KKK crowd, and you want to ‘seem cool’.

    They may not have a degree from an Ivy League institution, but they know how important it is to talk to voters in the middle about restoring order at the border and not to center your entire clean energy pitch on the climate benefits of EVs

    but they know how important it is to talk to voters in the middle about restoring order at the border and not to center your entire clean energy pitch

    We’re so fucked lmao

    Imagine seeing the catastrophe the US is and thinking “ok, but what if we told white suburbanites we’re willing to be racist at the expense of the future?”

    I refuse to read the rest of this. All it’s telling me is that if liberals win, they’re going to stock every position they can with bloodless, PMC psychopaths that have been thoroughly vetted by the Democratic Party.

  • I did say previously that they’d never 25th their own guy, but I didn’t anticipate him being THIS pathetic. I thought his handlers would be smart enough to cancel this debate (maybe he threatened them into letting him do it? I remember a recent article about him being violently angry towards staffers), and just generally lock him away until after the election, heavily staged events aside.

    Maybe they would? Thought like you alluded to, I doubt Conservatives would impeach him because he’s so obviously withering away and the DNC apparatus is in full blown panic right now.