Sphere [he/him, they/them]

Avatar: A cutaway view of Photosystem I, showing only the light-capturing molecules and the electron transport chains.

Prior Avatar: The apoptosome.

  • 1 Post
Joined 4 years ago
Cake day: July 28th, 2020


  • I started listening to Chapo and hanging out on r/CTH back in 2018. It took literal years of chipping away at Western media narratives to push my family left.

    Honestly one of the bigger things was introducing Means Morning News (it’s a 4-day-a-week news program offerered by the leftist co-op subscription service Means.tv, which costs $10/mo, but the Friday show is posted free most weeks) and getting them to watch it regularly, but it took a lot of pointing out the BS in Western media to get to that point. As I’m sure you know, the slant of Western media is very obvious once you’re aware of it, but your family, like most people, has been very effectively trained not to see it, and it will take time to break through that.