There’s a lot of things I can say about this. To summarise:
- Just because WotC wants you to use a new product doesn’t mean the old product is outdated.
- If WotC supports the Pinkertons, I don’t support them. But have fun letting your morals fall apart so you can consume product.
- The Tasha’s rule expands on a rule from the DMG. If the rule were to be updated, it would be in the DMG, not the PHB.
- Most tables don’t have the DMG either.
- The new PHB doesn’t have most subclasses. The only reason stuff was omitted was because there wasn’t enough space or time to add them in.
All of that hardly matters, because you responded to a DM ruling by saying “nope”. No shit we’re incompatible. At the VERY least, I want my players to respect me.
But you’re not correcting me. I am using a rule correctly and you don’t like it. You’re not being helpful, you’re being entitled.
I was in the middle of a monologue, and you tried to divebomb the BBEG. That’s highly disrespectful, but I’m accommodating and give you a chance to succeed using the existing rules. It doesn’t work out the way you want, so you tell me not to use those rules because they’re dumb. And you call ME disrespectful for calling you out?