Well was it Putins scat porn? I think i have no more to say here :D
Well was it Putins scat porn? I think i have no more to say here :D
Well i actually dont mean that as an insult but if someone shows no epistemic humility at all and then offers me the truth bomb “well hes a cunt” which will never lead to anything interresting or relevant i really just dont give a fuck for that persons oipinion on a matter and i think that is justified.
No offense.
Well thank you i really dont give a f*ck what you think the explanation is. You see my entire point is that you cannot know because you do not have access to his thoughts and frankly i dont care. It seems you are the same quality of person as Zaihnan someone that proclaims stuff with a tone of authority just expecting others to swollow your crap without reason.
Zeihan mister “linear extrapolation with no adaption over decades”. So i guess you are an expert in everything too.
ps. well it could be because Putin decided to do so and noone will ever really know what happened in that head or what information he was presented at the time
That was a clever argument. Also have you considered the possiblity that you might be a wimp that is ruled by irrational fear instead of basic logical considerations? Nah?
You mean nuking a country that literally is a cleptocracy and hasnt payed the billions of dollars of upkeep its nukes would need to stay in working condition? Or do you think europe and the us is gonna nuke itself?
And that would be a bad thing why exactly? :P
Can someone translate or post a link to the weapon system?
Would it be correct to sum up your post as: my family is so handicapped they can only drives SUVs, i am an asshole and need to talk about my COMPACT SUV because people in my life do not talk about it enough?
“I do not care if it makes other less safe”
So after you have stated that you are literally an anti social sociopath you ask how permanently removing you from societly would be good for everyone else. Ok. I put this as blunt as possible so it is easy to understand, but obviously you need coloured pictures and a helper?
Yeah time to buy a rifle and shoot you in the head because it makes everyone that is not an asshole and you safer…ever considered that?
Actually no. SUVs are great at murdering the drivers of other cars, they do not in fact protect you any better. Its just a big blow up dick for assholes.
Well then just block all roads and murder people while you are at it. A ok.
(EU) SUVs. Are you insecure and too stupid to drive? GET A CAR 20% larger in every dimension so you can piss off the whole world with your incompetence.