Did you spit or swallow?
Did you spit or swallow?
This is what I believe. Those that can’t find work or are replaced by AI get to work the fields or they are a drain on society and jailed, camped, deported, or just executed. You might get a chance to serve the military too - maybe even demanded!
How willing to work the fields are you? Not? Then you are deported!
Because the people who can afford and are willing to pay are a certain demographic.
It’s all about personas and marketing testing!
Looks like the Temu version of Bannon.
Thought the same thing and was like, go the fuck to bed and do not watch that shit show of a boxing match.
Even funnier context is that this episode he was annoyed at Tesla. 🤣
Likely, but who is going to do anything about it? My country is an embarrassment and proven that there are no laws for those under a certain status/value.
Current age me is getting too old for this shit
Ah fuck, you’re partnered with Riggs, aren’t you?
I just moved our D&D account over there.
Chk! I will not be ghaik!
Cool. And when EVERYONE is in the military, pissed, and unified with all of the guns and training? Oh, they can ordered, but orders can be ignored when enough people just say…nah, I’m getting fucked so I won’t do it until you do something for me - whatcha gonna do about it?
Sorry, but that unicorn is illegal and should be deported!
Thank you so much for the suggestion!
I never played that one! If it’s by the same team then I’m sure it was good. I loved Zombies Ate My Neighbors.
Why is the headline former democratic representative? Does that matter? She has been transitioning to republican for a while now and is currently full R.
Actual recommendations, but bring your friends AND beer:
Super SMASH Tv
Zombies Ate My Neighbors
Only if you’re a masochist because you REALLY REALLY like flying through rings then Superman64 is probably the best game there is
No. There were static sponsors on the boards. Now they do injection in live broadcasts on the boards with actual ads that move.
As a white man, I fucking HATE this but you’re right. God dammit. I voted Harris, but I still really want to fight for those that can’t.