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Joined 11 months ago
Cake day: October 25th, 2023


  • I…am not sure I’d even say “to an extent” for enbies. While the trans men I’ve interacted with have been lackluster in wielding the privilege they gain for good, the afab enbies celebrate each piece of privilege because they are few and far between, if they are extant in the first place. I am ignorant if the statistics are granular enough to tell us this info, but after Nex, I feel it is fair to say many enbies experience harassment on the same scale and pervasiveness as trans women.

    Hell, some of the trans women I know are enbiephobic, so I feel like in some what it’s our job to support enbies, because it’s starting to look like “first they came for the enbies, and I said nothing, because I am not an enbie”.

    I genuinely prefer enbies as queer allies out of everyone else, but I feel like that’s an attitude you’ll get generally only from younger trans women. I guess I’m just saying while if someone like me is hurt I am deeply saddened for the loss of someone I extend my love to, but when an enbie is hurt it means (at least to me) someone who I could talk to with zero mask. I really hope I’m not saying anything shitty, to either group, cuz I have identified with being nonbinary in several ways over the years so maybe that would explain my feelings of companionship

    Also thank you for the support in keeping myself safe 💜

  • I saw a jumping spider while I was brushing my teeth, and I jumped back and she kinda cautiously prepared to run, so I said "Oh no I’m sorry lil spider I didn’t mean to scare you! You keep doing your thing, buddy! And she relaxed and then moved under the sink so I wouldn’t accidentally squish her while I brushed

    I thought nothing of it until I saw her on my way the next day, and I said “Hi!” And waved, and she waved back lol

    She waved back every time I saw her so I am pretty sure I made a friend/familiar

  • How do I vote trump out in a state that WILL go to him? Does me vote matter in that situation? Should I just lie down and take being banned from the public sphere? You act like violence isn’t already being committed by the right and ignored by ineffectual liberals like you who think that being polite is important when lives are at stake.

    These people deserve justice for the harm they’ve caused, and the justice system will not bring it to those in such powerful positions. I merely am positing that justice will only be wrought by our own hands. The fact that is only possible through their deaths isn’t my fault, nor does it concern me in the slightest if these mindless ghouls get hurt. If you make change impossible, you make your death inevitable.

    And if my vote did matter, Biden has done nothing to improve my life and the lives of people like me but to allow us to serve in the imperialist death machine that is the military. That is disgusting. Everything I wanted from him, abortion and the border have been dismantled in the same way I expected Trump to, and actually resulted in MORE migrant children being caged. Neoliberalism will kill both me and this planet before I reach 50, and you’re acting like some stupid fucking voting will prevent people with guns from doing what you’re shaming leftists for advocating. It should worry you that Biden has so thoroughly failed so many people that they prefer a violent and tumultuous revolution to your dystopian hellscape future you call “progress”.

  • I would feel pretty shitty and would kinda come off as a “pretty woman” fan if I tried to hit one of my girlfriends with that angle. I think Dirt_Possum is coming in hot but they’re echoing the sentiment that I get from these ladies that they prefer to work than sleep in the open. A lot of them recognize that it is capitalism that is their enemy, and explicitly state this.

    Huge disclaimer, however, is that direct ownership of billing, protection, housing, and selection is the only thing I support. I hate pimps, and I hate pornography “producers” that aren’t the actors themselves. I don’t think taking a cut from people’s sex work should be legal, considering the coercive conditions that tend to lead a person down that path.

  • I mean I would love to give people orgasms as a form of art

    That sounds amazing honestly

    I mean this is like, really stupid but when I was way too young to be thinking of these things I kinda wanted to known as the person who could help people with sex in almost a spiritual way? Like where I’m seen as highly respected for my skill and care? I already kinda get the stares that I’m like, ethereal or some bullshit but I’d also like that gaze to include some reverence I guess since I feel like my aura is more tantric and calm than anything salacious.

    Anyways, I know that marxists support sex workers but I guess I interpreted your tone as militant and prohibitive, rather than protective. I do appreciate and accept the apology you gave, and I also respect your commitment to ideological soundness. This is gonna sound pretty dumb but I wish I had the mental energy to do the same but reading theory puts my material condition in such sharp relief that I tend to dissociate or cry? I feel like such a waste of potential but also such a fucking whiner cuz I don’t take the tools people are shoving into my hands but maybe it’s just cuz I took my estrogen shot an hour ago.

    Also, thank you for calling my writing well-thought out. I really do pore over the things I say when I preface a comment with a promise of genuine care, but I struggle to keep my emotions to myself, clearly. 🤧😛

  • On the subject of the damage, I kinda feel like mine was kinda this overwhelming and encompassing pressure to make me sexual property, so now I tend to think men feel that way as default.

    Like…I appreciate that the non weirdos are being polite and keeping their distance cuz they’re stunned by my beauty or some shit but it means that the only guys who approach me in person are dangerously horny, where I definitely don’t want them as a client. People like that are going to argue with me on price and try to do stuff I haven’t agreed to so no thank you