Witziger_Waschbaer@feddit.orgtoDACH - Deutschsprachige Community für Deutschland, Österreich, Schweiz@feddit.org•Bertelsmann-Studie: Deutscher Jobmarkt braucht jährlich 288.000 ZugewanderteEnglish
1 month agoBis 2040 dürfte sich die Situation auf dem Wohnungsmarkt wieder entspannt haben. Es fehlen Arbeitskräfte weil die Baby Boomer in Rente gehen. Klingt fies, aber die ziehen in den nächsten Jahren alle Stück für Stück in die letzte, sehr kompakte Kellerwohnung. 2040 werden selbst die jüngsten Boomer bereits 76 Jahre alt.
A lot of people are deathly afraid of self reflection, of thinking about themselves, about their own behavior and how it affects others. Because if you reflect on it, you might come to the conclusion that you have to change something about yourself. And that is hard work, that a lot of people simply don’t want to do (which I think is the reason for many things going wrong in the world). Being able to express emotion is a sign of the ability to self reflect, to be aware of how one feels and being able to communicate that. In a way it makes people aware of their own shortcomings, which is why they want to avoid it.