I think KDE looks great out of the box, includes all the extensions I want, and is easy to configure.
This, this, this.
Also I often find inspiration in mechanics from MMOs, RPGs, and boss fight games like Elden Ring.
I can also add a recommendation for Star Trek: The Motion Picture. Honestly, it saved the movie for me… so much more interesting than the main audio track. They bring in the VFX lead who explains how they made all the special effects before CGI was a thing.
Everybody gangsta until they set their block and filesystem drivers to module.
Mailing list provided by my distro. https://lists.debian.org/debian-security-announce/
I usually don’t order my distros on the rocks, so they’re all neat.
Rotting in a Shinra prison for bombing a Mako reactor. In my defense, the new explosion graphics were great.
No, you’re not alone in this. https://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/bugreport.cgi?bug=1062932
Looks like the kernel package was pushed to proposed-updates for stable but the corresponding nVidia package was not.
I recommend placing a hold on the kernel package until this one is fixed.
Clan Tabasco Crab.
In all seriousness, I’m a big fan of Ghost Bear. They have a cool backstory, they care for their people (IS or Clan), and learn from their mistakes. Better than returning to the Clan Cluster and sulking like the Green Turkeys.
If you all would stop peeling the skin off your citizens to feed it to the three headed Cerberus that guards Union Station maybe your population would remain stable. smh
Not according to RedHat, who I trust a hell of a lot more than a Phoronix article that cites a blog post.
CVE-2024-47176 cups-browsed (7.5)
CVE-2024-47076 cups-filter libcupsfilters (8.2)
CVE-2024-47175 libppd cups cups-filter (7.7)
CVE-2024-47177 cups-filters foomatic (6.1)