aqwxcvbnji [none/use name]

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Joined 4 years ago
Cake day: July 28th, 2020


  • The text below is from Kevin Ovenden, an Irish marxist who founded an organisation to bring aid to Palestine during the 2009 war, and who as aboard the flotilla in 2010 which tried breaking the Israeli Blockade, which was violently attacked by the IOF.

    "It’s absolutely true that the impact of Israel’s killing of seven WCK aid workers casts a harsh light on those who only now complain about this going “too far” after the slaughter of over 30,000 Palestinians and 196 other aid workers.

    We should make that point as we seize on this moment to build more widely and to isolate Israel where we are.

    But it is not helped by some memes and lazy arguments going around. Those talk of the deaths of “seven white people” at the hands of Israel.

    That isn’t true. One was Palestinian and a second was Indian-Australian. Not white.

    I think some of this comes from not really pausing to think and find out, combined with an extremely annoying habit of people trying to force everything into North American notions of “white skin privilege”.

    The perversity of that in this case is that it erases the Palestinian-ness of one of the victims and the mixed heritage of another, of the kind that can still raise eyebrows at passport control in parts of the world."

  • The current elite in Indonesia came to power by desposing the left-wing nationalist Sukarno and by murdering 2 million people suspected of being members of the Communist Party. It had 1 million members at that time. To this day, the perpetrators of that genocide walk around freely, and are celebrated as heroes for “saving the nation” from the “communist traitors”. There’s a museum which celebrates the genocide of the communists and the purpetrators are often on TV talking about how they murdered the inhabitants of village X or Y because it was a hotbed of communism.

    For those who want to learn more about this forgotten history, read The Jakarta Method, a book about the Indonesian Genocide and how it functioned as a model for anti-communists all over the Globe (Guatemala, Chile…) and watch the film The Act of Killing, in this film a couple of participants are asked to reenact their killing of communists for a documentary (which they happely do, and in painstaking detail, because the only feedback they’re accustomed to is praise for their acts) which provides a horryfying insight into the way the killing of our comrades is looked at. It’s basically impossible to watch the film in Indonesia, to quote wikipedia.

    it is highly risky to submit The Act of Killing, titled Jagal in Indonesian, to the Film Censorship Board, since the probability of it being banned would mean Indonesians can face charges for watching the film, and allowing paramilitary groups to heckle screenings