bendan [none/use name]

  • 1 Post
Joined 11 months ago
Cake day: November 12th, 2023


  • Posting neat Chinese phrases whenever I feel like #13


    (guò fèn)

    Literally: “[go past] part/portion/allotment”

    Figuratively: “excessive; overboard; out of line”

    过 is an essential very flexible grammar word, its core meaning is same as “pass”, and the abstract meanings flow from this similarly to English: pass by, pass time, past due, pass through, pass over to, pass away. But wait, there’s more: excessive, fault.

    分 is perhaps even spicier, also an essential grammar word. Even if you don’t know any Chinese you should be able to see that the character depicts a knife parting something in two parts. That’s the core meaning: Part! And from that flows: divide, fraction, component, portion, cent, minute, allotment. Some of those are read fēn and some fèn. Oh and don’t ask about 份 lol