bortsampson [he/him, any]

  • 0 Posts
Joined 18 days ago
Cake day: September 1st, 2024


  • The venue should be eqing your vocals if it’s not a coffee shop, basement, or just diy thing. You can do work with eq’s but if you are running a mic through a keyboard amp you are not gonna get far. I’ve been there. They are not the worst but I would rather go right from my vox mix into a real PA. General rule of thumb I was taught for live sound mixing is “If a mic sounds bad without eq something else is very wrong”. You may make sound better at a cost but it won’t help that much. The roland amp has built in eq. Who knows where those eq lp, bp, and hp frequencies are tuned to though.

  • If you have an iphone get a camera kit, a cheap usb interface that has a mixer on it (get one with a send), and use effects from Valhalla. You’ll need a host app for the plug in. Theres a few but one of them should be free and allow you to save your setup as a preset. Run the mic into the mixer and put the iphone on the send. Valhalla plugins should be wet. Don’t bother with delay in a live setting. It gets too fucking messy. Use one of the Valhalla verbs. Set to 100 wet. Tweak to taste. If you have an iphone this setup is like 200bucks max used and is very stable. You also can add more effects down the line to your chain should you want to. Light compression/limiting can be helpful. Careful with eqing. If you are eqing vocals in a live setting the problem is your mic or how you are holding it. Do less with effects and focus on technique.

  • I got a Nvidia 12gb 3080 for about 250 used and it’s been pretty solid under X+Kubuntu. It’s like 2 additional steps to get running out of box on most distros. I tried a few different distros but because of the libs I use in my custom vfx/animation pipeline I went back to a Debian based distro. My gaming experience is flawless though I dropped serious money on this box.

    256gb memory 2x2 2tb m2 sdd raid + 2 4tb sata ssds zfs pool
    i9 14k series, 5.8ghz 24 core

    For the first time in my 20 years of using linux I have free memory when I’m not rendering. I’ve always found the best performance gains from hardware in Linux is ram so I maxed out and regret nothing.

    You might be able to run some CUDA stuff on AMD cards using one of two API translation layers. It’s not something I would bank on. If you just want to do diffusion stuff then don’t worry too much about. You can still use Llama3 on AMD. I don’t really do a lot diffusion work though. Mostly use comfyui as a node based processor for my own python vfx code.

  • By all account I should like them but I find the music intolerable. If you kinda dig a bit of that Neil Young but dreamy sound then I highly recommend Built to Spill. Keep it Like a Secret specifically. I think they kind of peaked there and never could get back. It’s not grunge but it’s what I wanted that PNW sound to grow into. Then clear channel ate radio and MTV turned 16 and got pregnant.

  • bortsampson [he/him, any]@hexbear.nettogames@hexbear.netNO.
    11 days ago

    I heard him talking about it on some KROQ show a few years ago when I was in the area. He said she didn’t want to do it the way the studio did and when they stopped letting him do his thing he stopped trying to finish it. It’s Lynch so who fucking knows what’s true. He speaks in riddles.

    I respectfully disagree on the new Dune films. Good director and Hans is always an interesting composer but I just found the rigid blockbuster movie scifi action flick spin on it played out. I really didn’t need the drawn out EXPLOSIONS and battles. It get’s tedious after a while. I didn’t like the choice of actors. All of them. It also just felt too sanitized visually. That’s not exactly good criticism but it lacked an edge or something that set it apart. Too clinical maybe? That said, The VFX on a technical level was awesome. I can’t deny the skill involved. Like working in Houdini and Blender is already pretty next level human brain shit but also the cutting edge physics involved … much respect.

    I do not get the love for 2nd. They changed some pretty substantial plotlines. Or I should say characters and factions involved in events of those plot lines and their decisions which changes the dynamics of the story enough to make it hard to comprehend their motivations. WTF was that ending. Awful. I don’t remember that in the book but I read it a while ago.

  • bortsampson [he/him, any]@hexbear.nettogames@hexbear.netNO.
    11 days ago

    The begining is a chore just because he had to make 1 movie out a very dense book. 30 Minutes in and it’s one of the most visually interesting works of the 80s. There is nothing that looks like it. And the story gets better but without the narration you miss a lot. It’s unfortunate he did have to use as much narration as he did. They didn’t have the time and money to complete his vision. I think what’s there is more entertaining than the 2 new films. It’s also frankly more daring. It’s criminally underrated. It’s a lightning rod for crit because it was a box office failure, lynch was pissed he couldn’t finish it, and most Americans are too impatient to devote 30 minutes of time for character development. It’s by no means a terrible movie. Cats was a terrible movie. Jaws 3D was a terrible movie. Lynch’s Dune is facinating and unique.