buckykat [none/use name]

  • 1 Post
Joined 10 months ago
Cake day: August 21st, 2023

  • It wouldn’t. Nor would it be unsafe. These property value fuckers are not just obnoxious but also really stupid.

    There’s a neighborhood in my city right next to a light rail station. Literally, some of the houses are less than 20m from the platform. But when the station was being built the neighborhood association specifically campaigned against having any access to the station from the neighborhood. There’s a huge concrete wall blocking it off now. So if the people living in the houses literally directly next to the station wanted to get to the station they’d have to walk (or realistically, drive) over 2km across a highway, along a major road and through busy parking lots. And then, after getting to the station, they’d have to cross back under the highway to get to the actual train platform, because it’s built on their side of the highway despite being impossible to get to from that side.

  • First thing to get is that they actually think the apocalypse is a good thing. They believe that the apocalypse will mean them and the Christians they agree with will be carried bodily up to heaven, leaving the rest of us to suffer all the beasts and plagues and shit from Revelations. Ever seen one of those “WARNING: in case of rapture this car will be unmanned” bumper stickers? They literally believe that.

    The second part is that they believe they can both predict and hasten this apocalypse they desire. They see basically anything that makes them mad and basically any global conflict as a portent of the end times. Gay or trans people existing in public is d*generacy which is a sign of the end times to them, and Bush II literally tried to convince then-president of France Chirac to join his war in Iraq by claiming it was a Christian end times battle.

    So this is where Israel comes into it. These Christian Zionists believe that a necessary precondition for the apocalypse they’re trying to hasten is for Jews to “reclaim the holy land.” And by “reclaim the holy land” they mean exterminate all Palestinians and steal all Palestinian land. But they’re also still really antisemitic, so they also believe that any of those holy-land-reconquering Jews who don’t convert to Christianity will either die or be left with the rest of us heathens for the aforementioned beasts and plagues and shit.