catonkatonk [none/use name]

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Joined 9 months ago
Cake day: December 25th, 2023

  • The later entries in the series from the looks of it lean heavy into the Shonen look with weeb fanservice.

    Artstyle wise, maybe, especially 2. All three have a lot of Saturday Morning Cartoon nonsense going on, though. Silly schoolyard bully villains hamming it up, lots of “fights” that involve characters standing around and talking about their Special Power or whatever.

    3 probably has the least of that, and of the “fanservice” of the type I think you mean, and is possibly the most like Xenogears. But still not the same thing (but maybe if Xenogears was made today it would be like Xenoblade anyway - maybe the real difference is in fidelity and amount of acting etc., I dunno! Some things that work when read don’t when heard…). Honestly, I think the biggest similarity between 3 and Gears is that the makers once again tried to do something immense and profound and kind of whiffed. But still totally worth experiencing even though it’s compromised. Pretty pro-communist as well. Amusingly so.