It’s bad teammates, and by a lot.
On the Internet, nobody knows you’re a human.
It’s bad teammates, and by a lot.
Avevo già visto quell’articolo, ma l’ho riletto. Mi sembra sia molto vago sulle motivazioni che hanno spinto la migrazione verso i SUV. Mette insieme il vantaggio dei produttori che ne traggono maggiori profitti a campagne di marketing ma anche a fattori irrazionali nella scelta dei consumatori (e qui potremmo tornare a implicare il marketing).
La mia esperienza personale, e l’articolo non la contraddice, è che alla meglio i consumatori si sono lasciati manipolare dal marketing e alla peggio vogliono “genuinamente” guidare un fottuto trattore.
Sarebbe come dire che agli italiani non piace il calcio ma sono stati condizionati a farselo piacere.
Vero, in un certo senso, ma nel senso in cui la quasi totalità dell’arbitrio viene messo in discussione.
L’articolo non parla di consumatori che vogliono auto piccole e si trovano costretti a comprare SUV 8l’esempio iniziale è chiaramente di un consumatore di una categoria particolare che ingaggia con l’autore dell’articolo, come potremoo essere io e te).
TL;DR: non credo la campagna mini voglia nascondere le dimensioni reali dell’auto.
Cool stuff, I’ll start using “ecocide” in the wild. Or rather, on concrete.
le auto più grandi sono più pericolose, inquinano di più e consumano di più, quindi è meglio non evidenziarlo
Hai mai visto una strada negli ultimi… 10 anni? La gente va in giro in carri armati bulimici per scelta.
You entertained me, because of the context. If you were able to draw it and contextualize it maybe setting it in a well known fictional universe, mixing it with themes of the wonder of a coming of age, the machination of the industry, the generational gap and a sense of rythm in the way the narration is paced and represented, I would probably find it brilliant.
It is not the only point when it comes to adopting technologies, when it comes to maximizing privacy, yes maximizing privacy is tautologically the only point.
I think you are wrong is all I can realistically come up with.
You don’t need a punchline and an author has no duty. I would also argue plenty of stuff from Monty Python (and we are referencing ancient classical stuff by the way) have no punchline and make the lack of a punchline part of the comical experience.
Just look at this thing, there’s a stern father reprimending Charlie saying “IT IS WONDERFUL AND YOU ARE GOING”. Granpa on the brick of death is staring into the void filled with the dream of visiting the turnip factory!
You must laugh GODDAMNIT!
Because it makes the point for a more solid technology as far as privacy is concerned?
Con tutto l’odio possibile per le auto, l’industria delle auto, la pubblicità e specialmente la pubblicita delle auto…
… è una scelta grafica. Relax.
I don’t know what to tell you, if Monty were to do this it’d be dragged longer, the stern granpa would be histerically yelling and beating Charlie the whole way through and 8 minutes into the sketch an oompa loompa would walk in a suit and reference a line from 6 sketches before.
But I guess everybody truly is different and that’s ok, I guess. Maybe.
Have you ever seen like anything from Monty Python? i’m genuinely curious I know comedy is, obviously, subjective, but this comic has a distinctive quality and it’s hard for me to see it labeled as “shitty”.
You are not thinking with portals.
Sure, but I think this is not Yoko Ono.
It’s a funny subversion, personally it tickle my brain to recast everything I know about Charlie and the Chocolate factory in a turnip twist with a Wanky being as flamboyant as always and the kids being WAY less into it. i like to picture the parent being there and being enamored with it.
It says a lot about society.
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: wave :
Hello Mr Witty I am from Windows.
2 years ago this investigation into its working was released (abusive working conditions), I think it may be relevant…