I created a space for people to make connections and learn from each other. I call it Grok.Town and plan to start up a Lemmy instance at that domain, but for now it’s a space on Matrix with a few rooms to chat and get to know one another. Check it out @ https://matrix.to/#/#groktown:matrix.org

  • 15 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 2nd, 2023


  • I don’t think their research is in conflict with your perception here.

    “The study found that just having a first-class section on an airplane quadrupled the chance of an air rage incident and that loading economy passengers through first class doubles that again.”

    The whole experience is shit and having a first class section makes it even worse psychologically.

  • Rather than take a defeatist veiw from this line if thinking, it will do well for your mental health to first spend more time, energy and thoughts on things you can control. Not just things related to environmentalism, but broadly reduce energy, engagement and focus from the things you don’t have significant control over and direct them to those things you do have control. It’s good to get a broad picture and observe the world around you outside of your control in small doses, but it’s easy to over indulge in an unfocused survey of problems in the world, especially on social media. (I include Lemmy communities in the social media category).

    Furthermore, when you do engage with these problems, do so with more narrow focus and in more depth with an eye towards understanding the level of impact the problem has and what organizations or policy positions you can support to amplify your limited influence over the issues that causee the problem. In this way you can mitigate the feelings of helplessness and sense of there being many existential and imminent problems you need to contend with but cannot remedy. You can turn seemingly untouchable solutions into real possibilities without overwhelming your emotional capacity by working with others.

  • Slow single leg heel drops.

    Fore foot raises with your back and butt against the wall and feet about the length of your foot away from the wall.

    The above are preventative strength exercises that should be done when you aren’t currently feeling shin splint pain.

    Make sure it’s not a stress fracture.

    Rest and stretch the lower legs muscles.

    Reduce how long and how often you run for a while after your pain stops.

  • It’s different in my view. As the mods and admins are experiencing a loosely coordinated brigade of vitriolic messages. It’s no surprise to me that they responded by filtering out those who are being persistent in bad faith communication. But they have in fact been receptive to improving the bot based on feedback. They have not, however, instantly determined and implemented any improvements.

    Reviewing the situation as an outsider. It seems that the mods and admins are not wrong and those complaining are ill-informed about many aspects of what they’re complaining about and are being belligerent in their ignorance. But even if they were 100% informed and correct about Media Bias Fact Check, their behavior has been out of line.

  • Quote: [the quote is really long, pls dont make me type it and just look at the link lol]

    Result: 15 day ban

    Note: the comment precedes the ban by 26 days, but catloaf’s recent comment history contains opinions critical of the LW News mod team

    I copied it for you:

    Link to the study, because the fuckers never do: https://www.pnas.org/doi/10.1073/pnas.2405334121 Here’s what I was looking for:

    In all studies, we made certain that the participants and the people in the images were from the same nationality, since cultural familiarity is critical for the face–name matching effect to occur.

    Additionally, this survey was conducted by Israelis, and since it says it was translated into English in the paper, I assume it was conducted in Hebrew. They say “socioeconomic cues such as age and ethnicity are experimentally controlled”, but I don’t see that they explain how. My suspicion is that the results are affected by non-facial cues like clothing, hairstyle, facial hair, and indeed age. For example, if I showed you a picture of an old woman and asked if her name was Doris, Helen, Megan, or Kayley, which do you think it is? If I showed you a picture of a guy with short dark hair, possibly graying, beard stubble, and a collared denim shirt, is his name Edgar, Clarence, Emil, or James? Further, since they did some kind of control over the prompts, I have to assume they presented faces and names the respondents would be familiar with, meaning this does not necessarily hold outside of Israel and Israelis (and I assume mostly people ethnically Israeli Jewish). This reinforces my belief that their methodology is flawed, and while people might look like their names, their faces themselves do not change to fit, rather there’s a correlation with other factors like age (i.e. name popularity over time), grooming style, and so on.